View Full Version : Swollen Lymph nodes - help very scared again!

05-11-08, 00:44

I have had a swollen lymph node in my neck for nearly 2 months. I had a blind pimple there when I first noticed the lump.

I went to the doctor about it last week and she sent me for an ultrasound which showed several mildly enlarged nodes in that area.

I was given a course of Anti biotics and finished those this morning. I went back to my GP yesterday as she requested and she is happy just to let it go for now and keep an eye on it.

When I originally saw the GP about it (a different one then normal at the same practice) she wanted me to get a needle biopsy if the lump was still there after the anti biotics.

The lump is definitely still there, though sometimes it does feel smaller to me.

I am so very scared that something is terribly wrong with me (yet again!) and not sure if I should go back to my GP and demand we follow it up now and get some answers as to why there are a few swollen.

I am just so damn sick of worrying. Please help me!

05-11-08, 08:15

If it is worrying you I would go back to your docs. It's not gonna do any harm just to voice your concerns again, is it? I would also try to think of something else if you possibly can. I always think I have breast cancer as my mother died of it when I was 12. I find lumps that aren't anything really and then can't stop touching them. It gats to the point where I'm sore and probably swollen from all the prodding. Try not to keep checking, it can beome an obsession. Trust your doctor they would'nt be happy to leave things if they thought there was a problem. But going back may help to relax you a bit. Maybe write down what you want to say before you go so you don't forget what you want to ask.

05-11-08, 16:33
Hiya, Sorry I tried to answer this last night but my internet was playing up so it wouldn´t let me. I also have a swollen lymph node at the moment. It really is nothing to worry about. I always ask the doctor to explain it to me aswell, so that at least I have an explination not just that it is a swollen lymph node, cause then I´d be worried about why it is swollen. Basically if you have had an infection of any sort, even if you don´t know it, your lymph nodes could sweel because they are draining the infection away. Please try not to worry, that made mine much much much worse. Since i stopped worrying the swelling has gone down.
Take cae,

05-11-08, 17:23
hi ive had a lump on my neck for 9 years now, im told its a gland / cyst im sure yours is nothing to worry about not all lumps are something sinister, mine gets bigger the more stressed i get so atm its massive

take care

05-11-08, 21:01
I'm in a similar situation as you. I think if you're really concerned you should go back to your doctor.