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View Full Version : Chest Pains????

03-12-03, 20:12
Anyone out there get chest pains out of the blue?? They scare the hell out of me. I've been to so many doctors for it. They all have given me the clear on any heart problems. Does anyone out there freak out from wierd bodily sensations??

03-12-03, 21:46
Hi Magster

I think if you ask all people who experience anxiety, I bet the majority of them experiences chest pains and its these symptoms that scare them the most.

I have always experienced chest pains since my anxiety began 3 yrs ago and like you i have been given the all clear on my heart..but somehow they still manage to scare me. However, as I have learnt to accept my chest pains of being simply just muscle tension, they are no way near as bad or as frequent. I think that is the key to prevent them..understand and accept what is causing them and that there not dangerous in any way.

You should have a read of some of the messages on the Symptom page and you will see that you are definetly not alone. There is also some useful advice on what to do to releave these pains..such as stretches, relaxation, deep breathing etc.

Keep in touch with us all.. we will help you cope the best we can!


03-12-03, 21:55
Hiya Magster,

I too have suffered severe chest pains, and have had probably every test imaginable for the pain, just to be cleared of anything serious. So yes I have had the same. Don`t get me wrong, I am glad I was cleared of anything serious. Yet somehow I feel if it had been something that I could put a name to instead of admitting to myself it is anxiety, I think I would have been able to go back and look at those smug doctors who kept insisting there was nothing "MEDICALLY" wrong with my heart. I guess trying to let me know in a "SUBTLE" way I was crazy or something????? I don`t know, but they will subside as your anxiety comes down a bit. Since you say your doctor has cleared you of anything serious, it is probably accute anxiety. That`s what I was told after all of my testing. So keep ya chin up dear!!! This to shall pass.

Take care,
Diana xxx

03-12-03, 21:58
Hi Magster

There is quite a few posts on this. Enter the words "chest pain" in the search facility at the top of the screen and you will get some answers

Take care


03-12-03, 22:07

Thank you so much for your quick response. I am currently at work feeling these strange sensations. So everything helps. I have been suffering from panic attacks for atleast 5 years. My biggest symptom before was shaking terribly. Now I'm ok until I get these chest pains. I know that there is a reasonable explanation for it all, but sometimes it's so hard to convince yourself. So it helps to hear from others like yourself. Thank you again. This disorder is a real pain in the rear end. Sometimes these sensations are so sudden that I don't want to move a muscle. Then, naturally, I dwell on it all day and make it 150 times worse.......and they stick around. I get this sudden flash of heat run through my body and I just want to bolt out of where ever I am at. My mom had them and she's gotten over them. I know I will too. Especially with the support of others.

03-12-03, 22:11
Thanks Everyone!!!!

03-12-03, 22:13

I too get the hot sensation which seems to start from my middle chest and burns like a flame down my body..Its horrible but I can cope with it..eventually it passes and you think to yourself why was I so worried about that. Things will get better for you and for us all. We can all help each other on our way!

Take care


03-12-03, 22:39
its normal to feel anxious,when you have a pain in the chest...we see all the tv programmes,where someone clutches there chest,and then collapses.

if the pain was around the knee,would you worry about it so much,no!

these are NOT pains,they are twinges,trust me..if they were REAL chest pains,you would not be posting this,you would be in casualty.

as nic has said,read all the posts about chest pain,by using the search facility,and as sadie advised,try some light exercise,i know its very scary,but in time they will subside,ime sure you will feel better tomorrow...best wishes..bryan.