View Full Version : Head Shocks, Please help!!!

05-11-08, 07:48
Hi all, I have been suffering from anxiety for about 4 months now and have been on Fluoxetine for 2 months. Thought I was getting better, but the last couple of days have had a really weird head, so so dizzy and sick and my ears all blocked up and my head buzzing, I even went the hospital again Sat night, but as soon as you mention you suffer from anxiety, you kind of get that look and you know you are going to be dismissed!!! Anyway was feeling rubbish last night couldn't stop moving and pulling at my hair when all of a sudden I had what I can only describe as a massive electric shock to the side of my head, have never had this before and it scared the s**t out of me, and I went into a total panic. Has anyone else had this before?? Also this one just for the ladies, I was wondering if me feeling worse these last couple of days might be to do with having my period, cause this is the first period I have had since started taking my meds and am nearly 3 weeks late, just thought maybe has with all the extra hormones and all that rubbish. Please help, and feeling desperate..........

05-11-08, 13:28
Please help with any advice or reassurance especially the ladies:weep:

05-11-08, 14:17
I do know that when it is time for your period your hormones can do some nasty things to your body including dizziness. I also get the full head and dizziness and blocked ears when I have an anxiety attack. I have only had one med since I have had anxiety and did not do well on it so I dont know if it could be your meds. I have also been to the doctors and gotten the same look you have. They always want to chalk everything up to anxiety or panic, even though they are usually right, a little kindness goes along way. If you are still uncomfortable, call your doctor or the pharmacy and ask them if your meds could be causing this. Take care

09-11-08, 20:24
Were you falling asleep at the time? It could be hypnic jerk.
I get it sometimes in bed when I'm falling asleep if I've got sleep deprivation. Before I found out there was a medical term for it I thought I was having some sort of mild epilepsy. The worse experience was on an aeroplane returning home very tired and I hit the people sitting on either side of me!

"A hypnic or hypnagogic jerk is an involuntary muscle twitch (commonly known as a myoclonic twitch) which occurs during hypnagogia. It is often described as an electric shock or falling sensation, and can cause movement of the body in bed. Hypnic jerks are experienced by most people, especially when exhausted or sleeping uncomfortably."