View Full Version : Going out of my mind with worry

anx mum
05-11-08, 09:07
Hi im Bev. Does anyone else experience sharp or aching in the middle of there chest. My doctor has put this down to anxiety but some how i cant believe him. I have had ecgs done and have come bk normal. Worried please help.

05-11-08, 10:33
i am always getting this and thinking the worst! my doc has put it down to anxiety and acid reflux which i suffer from! if u have had ecgs tha are normal i am sure that it is your anxiety. try not to worry about i know its easier said then done. good luck x x x

anx mum
05-11-08, 11:04
How long have u had it for? Really worried theres something wrong with me.

05-11-08, 11:24
Hi Bev,

The fact that you have had normal ECG results is reasuring that your gp is right that your symptoms are down to anxiety, I know it is easier said than done but the more you focus on the symptom the worse you will feel. Anxiety feeds off our fear and it is a vicious cycle but you can break it honest I have been there and althoughI don't like the physical symptoms I egnore them now.


05-11-08, 13:24
i have had mine for 4 months so im sure if something was wrong it would have showed itself by now! i find if i keep myself busy i dont notice it x x

anx mum
05-11-08, 14:30
Do u get a sharp pain in the middle of your chest?

05-11-08, 15:16
Does it go through to your back?

05-11-08, 15:55
yes i so and it also goes through to my back like trixie said! you are fine! x x