View Full Version : panic attacks need advice please

05-11-08, 09:52
hi i went to my doctors the other day to reduce my diazapan from 5mg to 2 mg as i was doing really well, as i sat there i has a panic attack in the waiting room i had temazepam in my pocket wich i was going to give back to the chemist as i didnt want to take them as the diazapam was enough but i ended up having to take one .so i got my 2mg tablets felt ok not as well as i had been feeling. but on the way to school with the children i felt one hit a panic attack, i went like jelly felt hot need to go to the the loo felt like i was going to poo:blush: my self rite there and then then i felt sick, im talking to the doctor this morning on the phone as i has diazapam this morning but i have now ended up taking a temazepam to calm me down as i have to collect my daughter from nursery. does anyone else suffer this the tiolet urgencey feeling sick ect ive only had mine a couple of weeks i still dont understand whats happening and why if anyone can give me advice that would be great xx :shrug:

05-11-08, 10:04
In some of the books i have read about panic this (toilet urgency)seems to be a common complaint during an attack. It is part of the "fight or fight" syndrome.
The worst thing is that once you have that sensation you are so scared of it happening that you think of it every time you have an attack,
Fear is the worst part of panic. you will be told many many time to "calm down" I always say "yes,BUT HOW do i calm down I am sooo terrified?"
But the sensations do pass as you know - now it is the worry of it happening again- try to (ha ha) do the calm breathing IF you can manage it it is very good. Cup your hands over your mouth as if you are going to sneeze and take just afew minutes to breathe quietly.
have a read of the "symptoms" on the left of the screen under problems /issues. there is a lot of reassuring info in there.
I hope some of this helps
Best wishes

DJ Trace
05-11-08, 11:14
Hi Guys,

I have Been A Suffer Of Panic Attacks and The Panic Attack Disorder For 20 Years now and yes june you are dead right you can learn everything to help you but during an attack you become so Scared or terrified That any coping measures become hard to enforce as the panic is so consuming.

I myself Personally never had the toilet urgency problem but during my years of day hospital visits etc I have heard many talk about this and class it like a IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).

Here Are A Few Of My Own Personal Tips That Can Help You get Through The Most Severe Of Panic Attacks.

Controlling Hyperventilating In A Panic Attack:

Everyone Who Has Ever Had An Extreme Panic Attack Knows All To Well About Hyperventilating And The Nasty Sensations And Feelings That Go With It.
This Happens When You Start To Breath To Fast And Too Swallow (Only Filling The Chest And Not Breathing Properly).
When You Do This It Alters Chemistry In The Blood And Floods The Blood With To Much Oxygen.
So By Taking The Paper Bag And Breathing With It You Then Start To Breath Back In Carbon Dioxide Which Balances Everything Out Again.
How To Do It:

Find Yourself Somewhere Quiet To Sit Down.
Get Out Your Paper Bag (Has To be A Paper One).
Remember To Breath Slowly In Through The Nose And Out Of The Mouth For 3 to 5 Minutes.
Notice All The Nasty Sensations And Feelings Being Taken Away from You.
When You feel OK Again, Put Your Paper Bag In A Safe And Easy To Reach Place.

The Lump In The Throat Feeling:

When I First Started On My Road With Panic Attacks I Used To Get A Sensation In My Throat, I Would Get A Feeling Of Tightness ( Like It Was Closing) And It Felt Like A Lump Was Suck In My Throat.
I Found A Good Way To Help Pass This Sensation Off Was To Suck On A Extra Strong Mint Or As I Do Now A Soft Mint.
By Sucking And Swallowing It Allows The Muscles In The Neck Caused By Stress To Relax And For Me Personally Also Took Away The Nausea That I Often Find Accompanies It.

That Dreaded Dizzy Feeling:

I Guess One Of The Worse Symptoms For Me Was If I Was Out And Had To Stand In A Line At The Checkout To Pay For Something And The Shop Was Busy And The Line Long, I Would Start To Go Dizzy As The Feeling Of Being Trapped Would Overwhelm Me And The Urge To Run Out Over Bearing.
I Had Heard Of This Trick Fighter Pilots Use When They Are Pushing G Forces To Stop Them Blacking Out And It Really Works And Is So Easy To Do And The Best Part Is No One Knows You Are Even Doing It.
Just Stand There And Wiggle Your Toes.
You Can Never Pass Out While You Do This, Its So Easy To Do And The Best Bit Is No-One Can See Through Your Shoes.

Remember Though We Are All Different And No 2 People Will Have The Same Symtoms at any one time.

I Hope the tips may help you a little, Take what you need and leave what you dont.

Stay Safe and Well.
Love Trace Xx

05-11-08, 14:14
Yeah, I do something similar in que's (which never seem to move..and you want to run out)..I tap my foot on an imaginary bass drum...just seems the brain needs something else to do with itself...not a cure, but it buys precious minutes..enough to get served, and get home.

05-11-08, 14:22
Hi DJ Trace,
That Dreaded Dizzy Feeling: this is one of my worst at the moment, for the last 5 weeks i have been confined to the house with back ache - and now "the dizzys" are hitting badly SO thank you for that tip I will try that!!!!
Please Remember A Smile Is Contagous :smile: this is so true.
Best wishes

DJ Trace
05-11-08, 15:19
Ty June.

please let me know how you get on ;).

Love Trace Xx

05-11-08, 19:55
hi i just wrote everything down pressed advanced button carnt find my post lol,any been to the doctors he said that i didnt need the diazepam,he gave me 7 tablets for emergencys only so then i paniced errrrrrrrrr he was rite in some way when he said that like with any tablet you take it then you think yes its working like diazepam, so he gave me propranolol beta blocker.he said they will calm things down does any one know if they will help the panic attacks he said they will but i would like to know from some one who has been on them thankxxxxxxxx

DJ Trace
06-11-08, 09:39
Hi Charlish,

Many Years Ago When I First Started On My Road With Panic Attacks I Was Prescribed Proprananol And Diazipam As A Combination And They worked For Me Fine.

They do Help Keep You Calm And Helped Me Personally Get My Palpitations Under Control, I Was On Them For 2 Years.

I Hope That Helps :).

Stay Safe And Well.
Love Trace Xx

06-11-08, 18:23
had my first tablet did feel a little strange like there was a panic attack trying to happen but some how didnt i also felt sleepy but relaxed god thats after one tablet he gave them to me 3 times a day im going to take 2 morning and a nite and see how i get on if i need the third one i know its there. i also took calms herbal today as well they seemed to of helped more than when i took them with no meds x

10-11-08, 10:15
hi i went to my doctors the other day to reduce my diazapan from 5mg to 2 mg as i was doing really well, as i sat there i has a panic attack in the waiting room i had temazepam in my pocket wich i was going to give back to the chemist as i didnt want to take them as the diazapam was enough but i ended up having to take one .so i got my 2mg tablets felt ok not as well as i had been feeling. but on the way to school with the children i felt one hit a panic attack, i went like jelly felt hot need to go to the the loo felt like i was going to poo:blush: my self rite there and then then i felt sick, im talking to the doctor this morning on the phone as i has diazapam this morning but i have now ended up taking a temazepam to calm me down as i have to collect my daughter from nursery. does anyone else suffer this the tiolet urgencey feeling sick ect ive only had mine a couple of weeks i still dont understand whats happening and why if anyone can give me advice that would be great xx :shrug:

I know wxactly what you mean with the toilet thing. That makes my panic worse when im out because what if there is no toilet??? I stay in so that if I have a panic attack the the toilet is right there and im in my own home and not in public when I often think it will happen there and then and then everyone will be able to see. Just the thought of this happening keeps me indoors. I hardly ever go out anymore for this reason. Apparently it is the rush of adrenalin from the panic that makes this happen, but how you stop it I dont know. I get pins and needles across my chest, my face, and hands, then I get very sweaty and need the toilet instantly. I know what you are going through I wish I could say something to help but dont have the answers myself. Take care x

10-11-08, 10:19
hi i just wrote everything down pressed advanced button carnt find my post lol,any been to the doctors he said that i didnt need the diazepam,he gave me 7 tablets for emergencys only so then i paniced errrrrrrrrr he was rite in some way when he said that like with any tablet you take it then you think yes its working like diazepam, so he gave me propranolol beta blocker.he said they will calm things down does any one know if they will help the panic attacks he said they will but i would like to know from some one who has been on them thankxxxxxxxx
I had beta blockers and found them no use at all, I havent found any drugs effective for panic attacks I had Cognitive Behavioural Therapy which helped for a while but hen slid back a bit butI think thats because the course was too short. I have asked for Clinical Hypmotherapy to try and rewind my mind to a time I didnt have it. Not sure if it will work but getting desperate now

10-11-08, 10:33
Hi bluewillow,
I know you try not to let this "toilet" thing beat you :blush: but i knew someone who had a medical problem where they needed the loo VERY often and was becoming completely housebound.:blush:
I began by leaving their hoouse and finding the nearest loo ( public loo, in a pub in a cafe, shopping centre, etc.
We then made short journeys until they were confident they had always access to the nearest loo:blush: we now know every loo in that area and that person can go out with more confidence.:yesyes:
Maybe this will help you to get out and about as you would wish:flowers:
best wishes

10-11-08, 11:24
I am the same with this loo problem.....I am always looking for the nearest toilet and to be honest I only really comfortable on my own loo at home, which makes me even more anxious if i'm out.

When anxiety is so bad I also feel like I am going to pass out even while I am on the loo so I have to splash cold water on my face. It is so scary but I have found that by telling myself I have NEVER passed out and that it will pass over me, does help.

You have to try and remember that you are in control...not the anxiety, but I suppose its hard to think straight when panic sets in.