View Full Version : Another point of view would help

05-11-08, 10:39
When I was 18 I was not doing so well, I had anxiety and depression.

I was always a very panicky child and I was scared of illnesses and health problems, I didn't know I had anxiety as I had always felt this way.

I used to get sick, migranes and go off my food for a few weeks

It was when i was 18 that my mum noticed I was not doing so well, my mum has suffered from anxiety and depression all her life and is on medication.

Mum took me to my Life long Dr who also treated my grandparents and I told him how I felt. He put me on paroxetine and after 4 weeks I felt like living again.

I had never tried to come off until 26 and even then my same old Dr advised against it.

I was off it for six months and I was very unwell. health anxiety at it's worst.

Any way my husband has something against my family Dr for putting me on meds and not getting a psychiatrists to prescribe me or treat me.

Is this a fair comment, as I trust my family Dr!!!

I my mother and uncle have the same problems and my Dr treats them as well....

I am just annoyed that again my husband thinks i made the wrong choice,:mad:

05-11-08, 10:45
Hi Joyce - I'm sure your husband cares for you and wants the best for you. Although obviously it is ultimately up to you which course of treatment you choose and hopefully he respects this.

Have you considered couselling or CBT or psychotherapy at all, or any other form of treatment? I do think that medication definitely has a place in treating anxiety and depression, but it just damps down the symptoms rather than dealing with the cause... kind of like taking painkillers for a bad back that needs some physiotherapy too... you'll feel better while you take the painkillers, but the back problem is still there... just a thought. Hope you and your hubby make up OK :).

05-11-08, 10:48
I'm not so sure, on this medication I feel near 100% fine, in fact I never thought about anxiety again, until I met my husband and he thought I should try coming off

05-11-08, 10:56
That's fair enough Joyce, just my opinion - it's your mind and body, and it's up to you decide how you deal with or treat your anxiety. Perhaps you could ask your husband why he thinks you should try coming off the meds? Perhaps he is worried about the long-term effects - maybe you could ask your doctor about this, or do a bit of research to put his mind at rest. He needs to respect your wishes too. Always tricky with relationships, isn't it? Just give and take, I guess :).

05-11-08, 11:02
what if you were diabetic and needed insulin,would that be up for debate? i think not.medicine is medicine,health is both mental and physical and both need tending to.
kindest regards ade x

05-11-08, 11:13
HI Joyce, as you know i am not on meds but if i have to go on them i will. I wouldnt be told by my fiance that i shouldnt be on them. your husband has no idea what its like to have HA and i really think you should do what you feel is best. In my opinion if you have been near 100% beetter then stay on them and live your life why should your risk having full blown HA again,


05-11-08, 11:20
Yup that's how I feel, he just doesn't understand as yet, I have agreed to go to a psyc so I think I will bring him along so he can understand.

Other than that I guess I have to be strong ONCE again and just stay on them.

05-11-08, 11:20
Thanks guys