View Full Version : Zimovane

Natural Mystic
05-11-08, 13:29
Anyone had any experience with this sleeping tablet. Doctor just gave me 5 and said to go back and see him in a week.

I guess I fear the gossip about these types of drugs being addictive, I have enough problems with my anxiety without becoming addicted to anything.

05-11-08, 14:20
zimovane has been the only sleeping tablet that worked for me.
the trick is not to just keep taking them,short term use is best,but even long term use neednt be a problem,my experience has only been good and this meds has given me years of sleep,i find them quite sedating but that was part of why i was given them,i am no expert but i have over 15 yrs experience of being on zimovane and i have recently returned to fulltime work
good luck i hope it brings some peace
love ade xx

05-11-08, 14:22
The doctor would not prescribe me sleeping tablets probably because of my age! wrong I think. I have suffered with sleep problems since the age of 16!

Natural Mystic
05-11-08, 14:37
zimovane has been the only sleeping tablet that worked for me.
the trick is not to just keep taking them,short term use is best,but even long term use neednt be a problem,my experience has only been good and this meds has given me years of sleep,i find them quite sedating but that was part of why i was given them,i am no expert but i have over 15 yrs experience of being on zimovane and i have recently returned to fulltime work
good luck i hope it brings some peace
love ade xx
Thanks hon

He gave me them because I've now tried 3 types of SSRI and all have made me so ill that I refused to take another (after the first). I am on propranlol only and I do find that that eases my attacks, however that awful heavy feeling in my tummy wakes me up every hour or so therefore I haven't had a good sleep in weeks. I just don't want SSRI's, and actually I am scared of drugs and dependancy. I really want to get out of this with as little medication as possible.

He suggested that I have these sleeping tablets for 5 nights to get some sleep and then go back see him again.

Just one more question; do you have any nasty side effects of these zimovane

05-11-08, 14:54
my only side effect is tiredness the next morning but as i have a 2mile round trip walk to take my girls to school and nursery,i wake up !!!!
meds is always a balancing act,each person reacts differently to a drug,
for me zimovane works well as a sleeping tablet,i wish i could but i cant promise it will be perfect for you,but i hope it can help xxx

Natural Mystic
05-11-08, 15:00
Thanks guys, I wish you well

05-11-08, 15:17
:) yes, i took it for a year after my mum died - which is 16 years ago now. i came off it because i felt i wanted to stop depending on a tablet - i used it to shut off my grief, so it was only understandable that my mind would want to get on with the process once i felt it was 'safer'?

like others i had no effects, except hangover the next day, but that feeling didnt bother me then as i didnt work or have a child, so basically i could please myself, and it didnt matter if i was drowsy.