View Full Version : oh please help

05-11-08, 17:43
so have been to docs and have a sinus infection which is causing some of my problems.
i spoke to doctor about changing my meds was on paraoxitine 30 mg and wasnt agreeing with me, so she has changed me back to citalopram 30 mg just started taking this monday.

i am in such a mess i am so dizzy and off balance i feel so scared again i googled earlier i know i shouldnt and guess what it said dizziness could be a warning sign that a stroke may happen and now i am in a mess i have pains all over my head and am dizzy.

has anyone else changed there meds and had dizziness thqat bad that they feel they will faint and my legs go really weak and my lips keep going tingly i feel unreal and scared cant concentrate what if i die in my sleep, or what if something terrible happens to me a vien burst or i go blind omg i am so scred

05-11-08, 18:06
hi ive been getting dizziness badly aswell ,i mentioned it at drs this morning but they dont seem worried about it , its an awful feeling like your going to fall over or faint but it doesnt happen often and if youve never had it before chances are it wont happen now, you wont die in your sleep either i know how you feel cos i feel the same but honestly you will be ok feel free to pm me if you want to talk

take care

05-11-08, 18:08
yes very dizzy on citalopram too.

05-11-08, 19:05
Rest assured that your dizziness is NOT caused by a stroke. The doctor would have checked you out for signs of possible stroke. You don't have them - you have symptoms of a sinus infection and that is what is causing your dizziness.

I had weeks of dizziness from labyrinthis (inner ear infection) and a sinus infection a couple of months ago. It's a really horrible sensation; I found I couldn't concentrate or even see straight when it was at it's worst. And I felt sick and anxious all the time. My doctor mentioned stroke (argh!) and checked me over but possible symptoms but I didn't have them (and neither do you).

There is a link between dizziness and anxiety. There's a theory that the sensation of dizziness itself can make you feel more anxious - it triggers a "danger" signal in your brain. If you feel sick then sea-sickness tablets like Sealegs can help (check that this is OK with your other meds), but they don't stop you feeling dizzy, unfortunately.

It's really hard, you will feel anxious. But get thoughts of stroke or whatever out of your head - you are not having a stroke. Concentrate on getting rid of your sinus infection.