View Full Version : Been Doctors, really worried now!

05-11-08, 18:06
Hey everyone, been to the doctors today due to been worried about my left armpit it has been tender and sore, i have been proding and poking around myself. The doctor checked me out and said she does not think it is a lymph node and thinks it may be muscular.

She has asked me to go for a blood test fbc and esr, which i am doing tomorrow, but now i am really scared and think there is something seriously wrong(had a fbc back in March and everything came back ok). Why would she send me for one if everything was ok.

05-11-08, 19:01
I've had sore armpits before, both of them. I thought mine was hormonal but (im a girl) it stuck around even after that time of the month...I also made it worst by poking it forever and ever...

the blood tests are just to check...she probably knows everything is fine...it's probably muscular, dont worry and stop messing with it

House fan
05-11-08, 19:09
Hi Jason, it sounds like you have a cracking doctor, she probably knows just how much you are worried about it, and knows that the only thing that will put your mind at ease is getting the tests done and having it confirmed properly.
The armpit is very sensitive at the best of times and if you have been poking around, you've probably made things worse my friend.
Sometimes when I go to the doctor with a symptom, I really want him to dismiss my fears straight away, and this has happened often. I leave the surgery breathing a huge sigh of relief. Later on however, I go through our conversation again in my head, and wonder if he's maybe made a mistake, or missed something.... or maybe I didn't tell him just how much this symptom is bothering me, and so the cycle goes on.
I'm sure you have nothing to worry about, and once the results are back in a few days, you will have piece of mind for sure.

05-11-08, 19:11
Hey there, this is more likely down to routine procedure carried out by doctors, plus your FBC came back normal in March, which is good. I have been in them same situation, one minute your sat there talking about a concern the next thing is they are asking for urine samples blood testing etc...Try not to worry to much, I know how hard that is believe me, but please try and relax and if your really worried talk it over with your doctor.

Take care xx

05-11-08, 19:15
As the others have said, the doctor probably ordered blood tests to put your mind at ease. Mine has done this in the past when I've been really anxious about an illness - it was hugely reassuring to get back clear results. Try not to focus on your armpit for a few days at least - the checking cycle will be increasing the anxiety.

05-11-08, 19:54
Thanks for your replies, cat beleive how much my anxiety has flared up again, was in tears reading your replies. She did say buy the time my results come back she reckons it will have sorted itself out, also said to leave it alone and not mess.

05-11-08, 20:31
Your full blood count was way back in March. Its now seven months on! You can pick up minor infections anytime which can be detected by a FBC. Everytime i go to my GP she sends me for a FBC. It's basically just to rule things out but i don't actually think it tests for anything serious anyway so i wouldnt worry too much about it.

05-11-08, 20:40
hi jason, i know i will probably be going over what people have already said but i too suffer from fearing the worst. my mother died at 42 from ovarian cancer and i was\experiencing pain in my groin (a symptom) the doctor aware of my health anxiety to put my mind at rest sent me for tests. I thought that that was it I had cancer and had a full blown panic hysteria in the surgery.......I had tests and do not have cancer but it does show that even symptoms which can be a sign of the particular illness, put along side an ongoing tendency to fear the worst can be blown out of all proportian

anx mum
05-11-08, 21:11
Hello Kristy u on line 2moz to talk?

05-11-08, 22:50
I was wondering with all that poking and prodding whether you have started an infection in the hair follicles?

06-11-08, 10:31
Thanks everyone, just had my blood test, its a matter of waiting now, Have been quite upset this morning thinking of what it could be. It is giving me a bit of pain today too. Got an appointment booked for tuesday were i will hopefully get my results.

11-11-08, 17:16
Been back to docs today and my fbc plus esr both came back normal, was convinced they would not.