View Full Version : Something else to worry about ! :-(

05-11-08, 19:03

I think its one of those weeks where worry is just waiting around the corner for me.:weep:

My eldest daughter who is 19 as been for her health check this evening(she had to go as we have moved house and when you register at a new docs you have to have a health check first). She had to take a urine sample with her and when it was tested the nurse told her it had quite a large amount of protien in so she will have to send it away to a lab for futhur tests. She told her it could be a infection in her intestines or dibeties, of course i have googled( please slap my hands) to find it can be kidney damage too:weep: . her blood pressure was low too the top was only 98.
My daughter as been living a life of drink, late nights(or should i say getting home at 5am in the morning)although the last few weeks things have got better she as got a little job and has been attending college. Im worried now she may have damaged her kidneys. with all the drink. My mum and a few friends have told me recently she dosnt look well dark around the eyes etc. Im just praying that all will be ok.
Has any others here had protien and low BP?

Thanks for reading, im having a week of moaning here on NMP, i dont no whats up with me !


05-11-08, 19:19
it could be a urine or kidney infection..... so don't panic yet !

I have kidney issues and I have infections often and tend to get them when over doing stuff. Protien in urine is a signal I have an infection. And I get circles round the eyes, looked drained. Liver tends to get damaged first through drink and the supplement milkthistle might be worth giving to her !

05-11-08, 20:11
Hey Andrea -
If she is drinking alot is she taking pain relievers like Advil or Motrin alot too? For the day after effects?
That can cause protein in the urine to show up!

05-11-08, 20:16
hi andrea its prob a kidney infection or water infection, when iwas that age i drunk alot of wine, still do hehe anyway it made me prone to infections and kidney and cystitis, please dont worry yourself.

hugs to u matey

05-11-08, 23:22
Hi Andrea,

I have had bladder and kidney infections all my life and also suffer from very low blood pressure. My average blood pressure is 95/63 or so. My doctors tend to worry about the bottom number with me the most. With blood pressure if it is always low that is what counts and so that may be normal for her if you know what I mean. She should be drinking a lot of water and cranberry juice because that is always good for bladder and kidney health. As for the blood pressure I have no advice because I can't get mine to raise up and I'm way older than she is so if you get any good answers for that one, please pass it on! Please don't worry, if the doctors were too concerned she would be in the hospital.


Laura xxx

06-11-08, 09:02
Lemon Barley water is good for infections as it helps flush the system out....

06-11-08, 23:45
Thanks everyone for your replies:hugs: .

Sandy she does take parocetomil sometimes on a morning if shes hung over but thats all. Will have to wait and see what the tests at the lab come up with:yesyes: .

Anyway she still hasnt learnt her lesson she still been at the pub the last couple of days !:yesyes:
Kids who would have them !(we love them realy)

Thanks all will let you know what happens.
