View Full Version : cant stop crying

05-11-08, 20:00
me again i cant stop crying am an emotional wreck what is wrong with me i posted earlier about my dizziness i have been crying all day why am i such an emotional wreck i dont know what to do i cant talk to anyone no one understands

05-11-08, 20:02
lots of us understand ,i keep saying you can pm if you want but your not but if want to feel free to pm anytime, i feel same as you had a poo day today


anx mum
05-11-08, 20:09
on line if u wanna talk?

05-11-08, 20:21
Hey hunny, I totally understand how you are feeling, I get dizzy spells to, it has been going on/off for the last month :( drives me mad. My doctor has told me its anxiety related, I get alot of tension in neck and shoulder muscles which also creates tension in the scalp muscles too. The thing you have to remember is the more stressed you get the worse your symptoms are, it's a cycle which you have to break.

I Hope you feel better soon.
Message me anytime xxxx

05-11-08, 20:57
I've had days like that. The fear overtakes you and you seem to fall apart. I wish I knew some magical way to make it all go away but sadly I don't. Rest assured that there's probably nothing seriously wrong with you and you just need to find some way to relax.

06-11-08, 07:36
thankyou all so much for all your replies you are all such lovely people

06-11-08, 08:50
Hi berkshiregirl, I'm sorry you're feeling so scared and alone. Dizziness really terrifies me as well, so know exactly how you feel. My GP prescribed a drug called Stemetil to take if I have a really bad attack - they have a mild tranquillising effect as well, and just knowing I have them to take if I need them helps a lot. I know with me it's often caused by my bad posture - shoulders up around my ears etc or sometimes I've been tense in my sleep and wake up with it. Trouble is, the more scared we get, the tighter our muscles get and the worse it gets - I know from painful experience. But know it's easier said than done when someone tells you to 'relax' - often I'm so stressed I could smash them round the face - not literally, but when you're so stressed relaxation seems impossible - at least it does to me! Talk to your doctor and see if he/she will give you some Stemetil. Presume you have already been checked over for this, it could be a middle ear infection.

06-11-08, 09:40
thankuou hun have told them bout my dizziness and they have checked me over say it is my anxiety and coz they have changed my meds i have been petrified i am gonna die is awful they havent recommended anything for my dizziness

06-11-08, 15:30
Hi again berkshiregirl, you say your meds have been changed, did you have the dizziness before they changed your meds? Some tranquillisers cause dizziness as a side-effect, especially during the first couple of weeks or so. If you're not happy about the way the meds are affecting you go back to your doctor. There are so many different meds out there we aren't always lucky enough to get the right one first time around. I know a lot of doctors dismiss dizziness as minor, they don't realise how terrifying it can be. You must tell your doctor how frightened you are. Good luck.

anx mum
06-11-08, 15:35
Hi its Bev know how u feel hunny been crying most of today and been dizzy.

06-11-08, 15:42
Hi its Bev know how u feel hunny been crying most of today and been dizzy.

hi bev me too isnt it awful i am at my wits end my lips keep tingling and my legs keep going

send hugs to you xx

06-11-08, 15:52
my dizziness has be constant i am so scared i am gonna have a stroke or something or what if it is the start of something serious

06-11-08, 15:54
hi berks just wanted to say im on msn if need to chat , i wont keep on like i did last night lol id had a cpl of glasses of wine sorry your not feling great still


06-11-08, 15:55
lol hi amanda i will be on a bit later was great talking to you xx

anx mum
06-11-08, 16:40
Hi how u feeling now? Still dizzy r u on medication

06-11-08, 16:42
Same here, 2nd trip to the doctors this week feeling completely spaced out. Know how you feel. Hugs xx