View Full Version : Feeling Bad Again!

11-06-05, 19:43
I'm feeling really bad and weird again tonight! didnt feel that bad yesterday but really finding it difficult today especially tonight!

I'm feeling really lightheadeded and faint, and my eyes are hurting abit and i feel like im going to collapse or something i have no energy and i ffel like a zombie and like my head is falling off!

Yesterday morning i smacked my head on the end of a chair but dont think that would be causing it!

Just dont feel with it at all and still struggling, my partner has been away for 6 days now and shes no back for another 8, i do feel abit edgy and i know im counting down the days and anxiously awaiting her return i hope when she gets back i will feel abit better but i really need to try and get through this week!


11-06-05, 19:46

I have had one of those weeks too. I have felt really dizzy all week for no apparent reason. I don't feel stressed or anything. My eyes are really blurry and I find it hard to look at the PC screen for too long.

Perhaps we are coming down with something eh? Could be a bug going round.

I am going to have a chilled evening - a glass of wine and maybe a DVD later. Hope you can do the same and try not to worry too much about it.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

11-06-05, 19:54
Try to relax and have a nice evening Andrew. Do something that you really enjoy and the time will pass a lot faster..:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

11-06-05, 21:31
I cannot seem to relax thats one problem!
But it is hard when you are feeling faint, edgy, out of it and like you are going to collapse any second!

And my mind is constantly glued on when my partner is coming back as im not used to being on my own and im missing her dearly!

I cant seem to occupy myself when i try and i cannot stick with it for long!


11-06-05, 21:37
Come into the chatroom for a chat :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

12-06-05, 10:35
Hi Andrew

Sorry to hear about that.. are you feeling better today?

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I'm feeling really lightheadeded and faint, and my eyes are hurting abit and i feel like im going to collapse or something i have no energy and i ffel like a zombie and like my head is falling off!</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

That is exactly how I feel right now...I am struggling to go by every single minute. It's very tough indeed.

Take care.

**Don't believe everything you think .**

12-06-05, 16:21
It makes me glad to know that someone has the exact same symptoms that I have. I went two weeks feeling light headed. and my eyes felt weird also.

It anxiety playing tricks on you.. weird hey! What else can anxiety do to you!!!
