View Full Version : My Symptoms

06-11-08, 10:03
Hi everybody

Didn't think that there had been a thread of symptoms for a while so here is a list of mine. Please, please, please respond with yours and if you have the same ones as me, please let me know as i am beside myself with worry. I feel completely and utterly lost and helpless - I REALLY do feel like i am LOOSING MY MIND.

nearly constant twtiches in feet - arches and random other places
sunburnt/tight feeling across top of left foot comes and goes
feeling of warmth/rush of blood to soles/heels of feet
random muscle and joint pains
really bad twitches whilst resting before sleep - fingers/hands/arms/head twitch/move even my breath (diaphragm i guess) - please tell me somebody gets them this bad - it has got to the point where i dread getting into bed - i just wait for them to start and when they do, i lay there shaking from head to toe in fear.
lump in throat/sore throat - need to keep clearing throat
wrist pain/base of thumb pain
clicking jaw - temple pains/headaches
constant/obsessive checking my body for symptoms
needing to check internet for reassurance all the time
sometimes a buzzy/vibration type feeling in legs/feet
burning/frost bite feeling in tips of thumbs/forefingers
wavelike pressure feeling to neck/head

please, please tell me that some of you have the same and what ..... please . I don't want to appear desperate but i guess it is fair to say that i am.


06-11-08, 10:12

And you know I was bloody scared to sleep as I kept jolting awake, twitching and I stopped breathing too!!!!!!

I have been on meds for 8 months now, I was off for 6 months and went down hill.

You see I too body checked, I don't now as want is just not there and now when my body does something weird I just don't even think twice about it, it's such a relief.

I had a burning pain on my scalp and It really hurt, I had it for weeks.
I also have awful twitching that I made an appointment with a neuro, I was ok of course.

The reassurance is only normal and I found that it helped for a short period of time before something else came along.

I also thought I was loosing my memory too, I would check every day to see what I could remember out of my week and when I couldn't remember the whole week minute by minute I would panic.

Gosh I have come a long way, you can get better I promis.
Pop into your Dr and have a word


06-11-08, 10:14
Hi Meemo,

I too have had a lot of your symptoms. I get a lot of twitching as well, especially in my legs.

Big hugs xxxx

06-11-08, 10:15
hi i have quite a few too

dizziness - awful all day the last few days
weak legs
constant waves over my whole body ( cant explain that one)
shooting pains in head ( scares hell out of me )
derealisation( all the time )
pressure in eyes
pressure in head arond head on the head ( bloody pain in the bum my head )
sinus problems
ear problems
floaters in eyes

the list could go on

06-11-08, 17:30
I get most of those too

feeling sick
head pressure
eye pressure
tense muscles
muscles twitching
shooting pains in head (that one freaks me out)
feeling spaced out
I check my body all the time too, or sometimes I hassle someone else to check as well.

Most days I get all or most of these symptoms, it's great fun having anxiety :S xxx

06-11-08, 20:39
Mine are:
shooting pains in head,
swallowing problems,
throat tickle (that is not caused by infection),
A weird butterfly surge in my chest or base of throat which makes me cough,
Acid reflux,
Shallow tight breathing,
Chest/rib pains,
All sorts of abdominal pains,
Sore shoulders,
sore knees,
Weird aching pains in my mouth, tongue.
Obsessive checking of my body for symptoms,
Obsessive googling.
It's AWFUL!!!

19-08-09, 19:47
I have a lot of these symptoms too.

Right now i have the dreaded fear that my heart is going to explode in my chest and have severe pain, but it has been coming and going for 5 days now.

Anxiety is evil

19-08-09, 20:38
berkshiregirl and hollytree have pretty much the same symptoms as me, except i also tend to have chest pain and discomfort when i'm anxious.
but it seems like dizziness is the most common to me.