View Full Version : Got very stressed last night

06-11-08, 14:09
My dog decided to unrinate my laminate floor last night and it's stressed me out.

I get anxious by smells very easily so despite me disinfecting it and cleaning it with soapy water and floor wipes I think I can still smell it..I was unable to get to sleep last night as I was stressed if I needed to buy a new floor...

Is the smell likely to ease or is it in my imagination? :blush:

06-11-08, 14:15

If you used disenfectant it should have taken the smell away. You can also get special spray from the pet show to get rid of wee smells also.

We got Max (Staff) as a puppy before he was house trained so you can imagine :ohmy: . Believe me the smell has probably gone. Maybe it is just lingering in the air - do you have any air freshner spray.


06-11-08, 14:20
Thanks It's maybe the anxiety stressing me out I'm thinking "new floor, money, the thought of a dirty room".

I feel like I need to rip the floor up and bin it but I can't as it's quite new flooring.

06-11-08, 14:43
Yes it is probably your anxiety like you say and maybe the fact that it is new flooring.

Trust me you do not need to rip it all up remember dettol kills all known germs.:yesyes:

If you have cleaned well as you say it will not be dirty and will not smell.

So try to calm down and make yourself a cuppa.


15-11-08, 01:43
It's been over a week since it happened but I'm still paranoid there is still a smell.

I feel If I close a window it gets to musty and I'm positive the smell is coming from the floor.

Sometimes when I'm less anxious I don't notice it but I've been really stressed by this lately and I know it's silly. I seem to keep being anxious about things for a while. Lately it's been smells and worrying thoughts.

15-11-08, 09:14
I would try a solution of biological washing powder and hot water (Daz or Surf or something like that) - disinfectant probably won't remove the smells and neither will bleach. I think anxiety does make you very prone to smells because it was the first thing I noticed about it - it was like being pregnant again when all smells make you feel sick. My dog ate something whilst out on a walk the other week and promptly threw it up all over my carpet - horrible brown liquid stuff and I scrubbed it with allsorts and because the carpet was wet it smelled awful, like a dirty dish rag.:wacko: I thought the smell would never go but it did thank goodness.:D Soda water apparently is good for removing things from carpets but I only found out afterwards. Bicarbonate of soda sprinkled on and hoovered up a few hours later also removes smells but on laminate you might have to mix it with water first. I would defintely try the washing powder and hot water though. Think pets at home sell something called simple soloution too for this kind of thing although you will have to check if its okay for laminate.