View Full Version : please help

06-11-08, 15:30
I have just been told to up my dosage from 20 to 40 mg and am very worried about side effects. When I started it I had very bad anxiey and panic attacks
I go th CBT and do a;; the right things but I seem to be unable to control these feeling.
I just started 30mg three days ago and I feel really anxious again and my OCD seems to be worse hhas anyone else experienced this.

Ant help would be great

06-11-08, 16:11
Hi Bumbles,
I too have just upped my dose from 20 to 40 mg and I too am having CBT. The consultant who upped my dose told me that the lower dose of citalopram is really only effective in dealing with depression and that a higher dose tackles the anixety.
When I first made the change the only thing I noticed was mood swings. And I have to be honest it has helped with my anxiety. As long as you are being monitored carefully then you should be ok.
If you need any help with the side effects of the change then you can pm me. I hope all works out for you :)

06-11-08, 16:17
Hiya Bumbles ...Im on citalopram and went from 20mg 2 40mg and now Im back to 30mg .....I didnt find any extra side effects on my upped dose as my body was used to the medication anyway .
How long have u been on the meds ?
Hope you are ok and please try not 2 get anxious as this will only make you worse x

wishing u well
Titchjd xxxxxxx