View Full Version : Hi there :)

06-11-08, 16:11
My name is Karita and I just found this site today. I suffer from anxiety and have suffered from depression in the past. I started taking Citalopram (10mg) a couple of months ago and it seemed to help. But last month was really hard and I'm now so emotional and tired. I hope to find some help here because I'm just not sure what to do for the best.

Natural Mystic
06-11-08, 16:15
Welcome hon,

After reading this site and people's experiences on SSRI's (and my own) I have come to the conclusion that I'd rather get through without them.

Enjoy the forum, it's just great!

06-11-08, 16:30
Hi Karita,

I am new here too, I also suffer from anxiety and depression and like yourself I am on citalopram although I am now up to 40 mgs. Some days I feel absolutley awful and like giving up on trying to move forward and sometimes I feel so tired I wonder why I am bothering. I hope things pick up for you soon, the first few months or so on the tablet can be quite tough but it's worth sticking with it. I hope you find some helpful answers on the forum, I've only been using it two days but I've already found it helpful. :)

06-11-08, 16:33
I have been on Citalopram (40mg) before, for depression and it was good. After 6 months I was a lot more like myself. But this is different.

I look forward to getting to know you all a bit better. :)

06-11-08, 16:36
My dose is to tackle my anxiety, what are you on the 10mg dose for?

06-11-08, 16:39
Hi Karita

Welcome along to NMP :flowers:


06-11-08, 16:41

06-11-08, 16:42
Eventually it did help my anxiety but it took quite a while, do you mind if I ask how it feels different?

06-11-08, 16:45
Before I was definitely depressed. I don't think I am now. I suffer from bad IBS and was getting panic attacks with it over the summer. Then I started the tablets and after a few weeks was starting to feel calmer. But a load of stuff has happened over the last month and now I'm all over the place. Sometimes up, sometimes down. Anxious all the time. Not sleeping properly. Just want to curl up and stay at home. But I can't seem to pinpoint exactly how I feel so I can't work out if I should just ride this out, or up the dose, or just tell myself to get a grip.

06-11-08, 16:50
I'm sorry to hear you've been through so much. When I first started the citalopram it made me quite depressed, it was one of the side effects according to my G.P. When I went on to the higher dose (20 mg) it helped with the depression but the anxiety was still bad and once I started on the 40mg the anxiety was calmed a bit. Is it up to you to up your dosage?

06-11-08, 16:54
I'm not sure really, my GP is pretty good and always listens to me. I'm usuallu a very self-aware person and I don't like not knowing what's going on. I have just under 2 weeks before my next appointment with the GP so I'll try to get my head a bit more sorted before then.

06-11-08, 16:57
Well if you want to talk anything through you can always pm me, hope you feel better soon :)

06-11-08, 16:58
Thanks so much. :)

06-11-08, 19:11
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

06-11-08, 20:52
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

07-11-08, 15:08
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way