View Full Version : I'm so sad :(

06-11-08, 16:16
Help :( Been to the doctors today, thats twice alreaady this week over the same problem. Feeling like i'm spaced out!!! Not dizzy just weird swimming sensation in my head. I feel very tense in neck and shoulders, and I feel sick, I wanna cry. I've had my eyes checked, twice, all ok. I don't know what to do anymore :(

06-11-08, 16:22
Hiya hun .
what did your doctor say ..these are classic anxiety symptoms .....I have the dizzy spaced out feeling alot and had my eyes checked but its all my anxiety ..my optician did give me some glasses no prescription in the lens just very slightly tinted as i was worse in bright lights ..they do help .
Do you do relaxation 2 help with tension ?

Hope you are ok hun x
Titchjd xxxxxxxxx

06-11-08, 16:22
Look at Patient UK website and type in "health anxiety"-you will see a whole section that will describe similar symptoms and I am sure you may find it helpful.

06-11-08, 16:33
I haven't done any relaxation for my anxiety, I have been told to try yoga, but just can't find the energy to do it : ( I wear glasses anyway and my eyes were checked last year, so they are fine in that area. It's just that I lack energy, i'm tired all the time and just want to sleep. I worry constantly about my health, it drains me.

06-11-08, 16:38
Also my BP is 105/60 is that to low, my doctor said it was fine!! Another thing i am worrying about :(