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View Full Version : Tingling in my mouth

03-12-03, 21:35
Hi all

Just wondered if anyone suffered tingling in their mouth, particularly their tongue. I have suffered this for quite a while now. Before it came and went but this last few weeks it seems to be here 24/7. What exactly causes this? Should I be worried? I have mentioned it to my doctor who said he didnt know what it was!!

Any comments would be great.


03-12-03, 21:40
I sometimes suffer from a numb tongue which tingles. Once I've stopped panicking that it is a food allergy I just put it down to another panic symptom!


03-12-03, 22:11
I used to get a weird feeling with my tongue - bugged me for months. I used to describe it as feeling too big for my mouth and I got obsessed with it. I thought it would stop me breathing!

Like emily it went with time.


05-12-03, 23:02
Hi all,
I thought I was the only one who had those feelings with my tongue but apparently not!
I do think its part of anxiety but not even doctors know the reason.
I get obsessed too 'cause its really uncomfortable at times.I have to mention that I have a geographical tongue. And its been like that for a few years now. Many people get it but the reason is unknown.
How does your tongue look like when you got those bad feelings in your mouth? Is it healthy looking or patchy?

05-12-03, 23:24
Hi Florence

You and I need to stop meeting like this!! I think my tonugue looks like any normal tongue I think... I check it for foaming just incase but so far so good!!

What is a geographical tongue?


06-12-03, 14:13
Hi Sadie
Geographical tongue is when the taste buds disappear area by area over a few days and it looks like a map.It comes back to normal again, the tongue looks normal again after another few days but then same thing happen again , and comes back to normal , and same thing happen over and over again.......
I've had tests done without showing any results.
But I 've noticed its worst when I am in a period of anxiety. So I suppose its all related.
Take care.

06-12-03, 17:29

I think my tongue looks ok when it feels big. Can't remember exactly but I don't remember it feeling any different except just BIG!


06-12-03, 18:34
Its amazing 'cause the more I think about how my tongue
"feels" and the more it gets uncomfortable. I feel like to chop it off!

25-02-04, 21:50
Hi Guys,

I have been plagued with my tingling/burning tongue again. I dont really want to go to the doctor with this as I feel a bit stupid and I haev mentioned to him before and he didnt know what it was.

Just wondered if anyone else has spoken to their GP about this symptom? If so what did they say caused it...I get more anxious when I dont know what causes something..my brain starts to worry, worry. worry!!!!

At the moment I worrying incase I have a tumour or going to have a stroke or something..(sorry I know its being a bit over dramatic!)

Any advice would be good!


27-02-04, 12:26
Hi Sadie
As you are probablt acutely aware, when we sufferers get a 'surge' we feel all sorts of sypmtoms, and as you can see above, by the replies, tongue and mouth sensations in general are clear symptoms of anxiety. There are hundreds and thousands of nerve endings in your tongue which, when affected by our 'surges' react in the same way that the ends of your fingers might. It is the same response but somehow we focus on our mouth sometimes.

If this feeling of tingling was in your arm or hand, even though alarming to some of us, maybe it wouldn't feel so bad as having the feeling in your mouth and on your tongue? It is the same bodily process though. Tell your tongue that next time you feel that sensation and ignore rather than focus on it.

It will move on.

Take care


03-09-06, 16:19

I'm experiancing the same things, top of mouth is tingling and I have a sore throat. Next time I see the doctor then I'm going to mention it as it's had me worried for days.


03-09-06, 17:17
this tongue thing is just the adrenalin hitting your nerves in there.
the fight or flight response thats all.
your brain must think your tongue and mouth needs protecting

oh i get it in my teeth also.

we are all stronger people after having this