View Full Version : Struggleing :(

06-11-08, 20:24
I'm really struggleing at the moment :( I had a massive panic attack today at work. It came in 2 stages. First of all i was just very very anxious as i could not burp. I went to the drs earlier today and have some kind of gastro stomach problem where i have too much acid and have a constant pain in one part of my stomach and in turn this brings alot of wind out of both ends. My anxiety levels got much worse to the point where i had a full blown attack and had to leave the building for a bit. I'm just constantly worrying about my health at the moment, i'v been given some tablets for this gastro thing but i'm too scared to take them. My relationship with my girlfreinds at rock bottom too because i seem to be slipping back again :( I'm not sure i can endure it again. I'm just so low at the moment and very very scared im slipping back.

I'm lost. Any advice how to try and conqor it again.



06-11-08, 20:49
hi there, sos to hear that ur not well. I recently have similar problem, i cnt stop burping, every second im burping..im just full of gases but i mainly comes out in burps..havnt gone to docs thought i was just a part of anxiety?

Im sorry to hear about the panic attack u had, sounds awful. But i just keep believing, u pulled thru it before, u can did again.
By the way are u on any meds? have they helped? maybe if ur off the meds u usta be on, maybe its worth going back on them?

try as hard as u can to think of happy thoughts or distract ur mind when ur having symptoms...i no its hard, but i find it does work sometimes for me. Try and keep water with you, and a mini fan...maybe that will cool u down and reduce the symptoms.

I understand the situation with ur girlfriend..it can be hard on other around u when u feel so down..im miserable at the moment so i dont really talk much to anyone..but thankfully my mum is understanding and she helps. Talk to ur girlfriend, maybe if she understands what ur going thru, she will understand why ur slipping awy, or dnt feel like hanging out.

Mate, just keep believing...and one day soon u'll be back to ur norm self.
god know im am waiting for that day too.

let me know how u get on.

07-11-08, 08:57
Hi Ken, I've been suffering with the same problems and like you at first I was too afraid to take the meds. At last on Sunday I felt so bad I thought I had nothing to lose by giving them a try and took the first one and they really have helped. Others on this site will say the same thing. Try to pluck up the courage and start taking the meds, I know how initially frightening it can be. I wish you all the best.

07-11-08, 09:53
When I get anxious or have a panic attack, like earlier this week, I find it really affects my stomach and digestive system, and I suddenly find myself full of wind, some of which I can burp, but some gets stuck and uncomfortable.

07-11-08, 21:05
Thankyou for the replies.

I keep getting very anxious about not being able to get rid of the wind. For some reason im freaking out that the wind will cause bubbles in my blood then hit my heart or brain. I know its sounds silly, but when i start getting weird shooting pains when i carnt burp ect, It makes me feel so edgy and panicy.
I'm still monitoring my BP and Heart rate alot too :( My councilor has asked me to stop it as its helping fueling the health anxiety. I'v been told to try jogging to try and burn off some adrenalin, so i'm going to have a go tommorow and see how i feel. I carnt feel much worse than i do know to be honest.

Gudheart, I'm currently not on meds for anxiety or PAs. I do have diazapam but dont take them as i really dont like the way they make me feel. For some reason i'v a real bad phobia about tablets, but in general i do tend to think the worse of most situations. I'm a cup half empty kind of guy :(



Veronica H
07-11-08, 22:45
Hi Ken
Sorry to hear you are struggling, as with all of us your high anxiety is characterised by a huge attack of the 'what ifs'. Your body will get rid of the wind when it is ready, it will do this automatically and trapped wind cannot affect your heart or your blood. These worrying thoughts are keeping the cycle going. I think it is a good idea to burn off some of this adrenalin and afterwards distract yourself with some music or a book, film etc.Try to rest ken but most importantly with this illness try not to think!


08-11-08, 07:27
Thanks Veronica

Thats put my mind at ease alot. I was too scared to google incase it confirmed my fears. I'm stiil sticking it out at work :) Its blooomin hard at times, but other times i can cope no problem. I'm sure i'll get there in time, but its a long road as i'm sure so many of you are only too aware.

Thanks once again for the support :)


08-11-08, 12:29
Hi Ken

Really sorry to hear that you're having a bad time just now. When we're under stress, the stomach & digestive system seem to be so easily affected. I have had stomach problems too - called acid reflux - and it all kicked off when I went through a very bad, stressful period in life. I was given some medicine from the GP to help suppress the acid (it's called omeprazole) and it does help me. Don't be scared to take the medicine your doc has prescribed. You should feel a real difference once you start them and you may only be on them for a little while.

Baggie :)

08-11-08, 18:47
Hi Ken

Really sorry to hear that you're having a bad time just now. When we're under stress, the stomach & digestive system seem to be so easily affected. I have had stomach problems too - called acid reflux - and it all kicked off when I went through a very bad, stressful period in life. I was given some medicine from the GP to help suppress the acid (it's called omeprazole) and it does help me. Don't be scared to take the medicine your doc has prescribed. You should feel a real difference once you start them and you may only be on them for a little while.

Baggie :)

Thanks Baggie.
There the tablets i'v been given also. To be honest though my stomachs not to bad today, so i think im over the worse with that. But i do need to try and get over this phobia. I'm very reluctent to even take paracetamol these days.

Thanks again
