View Full Version : lighterlife

06-11-08, 22:17
has anyone tried lighterlife - im wondering if the meds do put weight on would lighterlife help shift it? im fed up of being the fat one

06-11-08, 22:52
ooh i like that - can i eat as well?

Gem Can't Switch Off
06-11-08, 23:08
Do not do lighter life. My friend is on it and it's almost cult like the way they brain wash you- she's been told we're all addicted to food because we were 'spoilt' when we were babies by being demand fed by our mothers which has set up a bad relationship with food!! Leading us all to comfort eat!! The shakes are vile and have additives, artificial rubbish and nicotine in them and one girls hair fell out after a month of the 'diet'.

Ooh get me on a rant!!!!

My advice is no!! interested in the grapefruit and coffee idea though!!?? xxx

Gem Can't Switch Off
06-11-08, 23:25