View Full Version : a little perspective

11-06-05, 21:47
Its been two months since I had my first major panic attack, and since then I have been suffering constantly, feeling dizzy, headaches etc etc.

GP has given me propranolol as I have hypertension anyway, and they have taken the edge off. Last night, i went to a friends birthday party, as I finally felt up to doing a bit of socialising. I saw a lot of friends that I hadnt seen for a while and they all were asking how I was, saying they hadnt seen me, hoping there was nothing seriously wrong etc. Well all the attention just made me feel anxious and I ended up having to leave, feeling dizzy, nervous etc. When I got home I was feeling awful and very sorry for myself.

This morning I woke up and a couple of things hit me. Firstly the fact that so many people were concerned should be a positive, not a negative and I know there is people i can turn to for help. Secondly and far more importantly I had forgotten that the guy whos birthday it was suffers from MS. The guy has a life threatening illness that means he is in constant pain, but you would never guess as he enjoys life to the full, and it kinda makes my probelm seem small in comparison

I am not for one second trying to belittle anything any of us here suffer from, the past two months have been the worst of my life, but I personally realised things could be a whole lot worse, and there is always light at the end of the tunnel for me, and I need to start dealing with this more and getting back to enjoying myself


11-06-05, 22:20

You are so right!! We are so caught up in our own little worlds and our problems that we forget that we are quite lucky really that we don't have anything life-threatening and that we can enjoy life if we really want to..also, your post is a reminder that even negative events can lead to positive things..

Sarah :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

11-06-05, 23:42
Hi I always remember the people that are worse off than me.
(There are also a lot better off though too.)
One thing for sure a panic never killed anyone but sometimes in the middle of it, its hard to believe that.
My son has many difficulties in life after being brain damaged at birth, and I think, like you, that is why I feel so guilty when I am on a downer when Ive seen him fight to get where he has today.
hope you are Ok love Alexis,x

Sue K with 5
12-06-05, 02:08
I totally understand what your saying, I have had this condition for a very long time, and like you I have friends who have had children with cancer and my good friend Lisa has MS and was diagnosed when she was 19, she is now 37 and has some days where she cannot even see or walk properly, and like your friend she lives life to the full. But what we have is also cripping and debilating and although it might not be life threatening, it stop us from being able to live life to the full, and stops us from taking risks and making the most of everyday, because we are waiting for the worst thing to happen on a daily basis.

I sit there everyday thinking how lucky I am with having five children a good job and a home, but that does not stop this condition from making me feel panicky and anxious and I certainly know what it is like to feel dizzy and nervous all the time, but we are not self piteous and we are not feeling sorry for ourselves. Our thoughts and fears are as real as our friends illnesses, and they are just as debilitating as MS or cancer, not everyone can be cured of this condition and some of us have to accept that although we might improve and be able to control it better or manage our anxiety we will always have to live with what we have gone through or are still going through.

I think that your obviously like myself have a great insight into things but dont beat yourself up about it.

You cannot help how you feel

Good Luck

Sue with five children


12-06-05, 07:30
That was a lovely posting and you are so right, we must try and see the positive in all things however bad we are feeling, but I agree it is extremely difficult when your head is spinning, your tummy is in knots and you feel on the verge of collapse, but it is possible!!
Reading the postings on this site has helped me see that recovery from our condition is possible with help and time.
Take care Jo XX