View Full Version : First post. Sorry if I ramble on!

07-11-08, 07:20
It's been great finding this forum and reading all your posts this last week. I really did think I was the only one with health anxiety.

I've been totally obsessed with my heath since I was 17, that was 20 years ago. I started having panic attacks but not knowing there was such a thing I thought it must be a heart attack (having heart problems as a child made my own diagnosis more likely).

To cut a very long story short my health anxiety now seems centred around my 3 year old daughter. I am terrified of her getting ill. I will avoid taking her out to busy public places because of bugs and germs. I worry about what she eats (food poisoning from take aways etc). I even avoid toddler group and and terrified of her starting nursery because of all the bugs and germs she'll pick up.

At the moment I seem to have picked up a bug myself and have had a sore throat, high temp and tight chest since Mon. All I can think of is my daughter showing the slightest symptom. It has ruled my whole week. I'm even sleeping in her room at night incase she wakes up with a fever or vomitting.

Does anyone else project their health fears on to their kids? I feel like a bad mum as I hate her playing with other children etc.
I've had some hypnotherapy recently which seemed to work for a while but this recent bug has set me right back again.

I've got loads more to add but I'm aware that I'm rambling.
Thanks for reading!

Natural Mystic
07-11-08, 07:48
Bless you hon, I'm sorry you have suffered so long.

What I would like to say is that you would be doing your child more harm than good by hiding her away. Children need to be around all of these "germs" in order to boost their immune systems, it's good for them. And us.

Please try not to worry too much, allowing her out and to join these things will only be pysically and mentally healthy for her.


07-11-08, 08:03
Hello Claire, first let me say that I understand your fears, everyone wants the very best for their child but I do agree with Mystic that children need the exposure to germs, it is reported the reason for so much asthma in kids these days is due to a too sterile environment. I know it is going to be difficult for you to relax your hold but please do for the sake of your child.
I too have suffered from health anxiety since 17 yrs old and am in my 60's now, it's a horrible way to live, but there are times when it's not so bad and I cherish those times.

There are many people on this site that will help you, I don't know what I would do without this site , the fact that we are all in the same boat and understand what it feels like is a great help. Hugs:hugs:

07-11-08, 08:44
Hi Claire,

Re: HA transference: I don't have children, but had a guinea pig rescue for years and constantly lived in terror of one of them getting ill - I know it's not the same as having a child, but they were like my little family - I don't have any relatives. It's not uncommon for us to transfer our fears onto people and things we love. I've always had HA since I was a child - 55 years - but while I had the guinea pigs it wasn't so bad as far as my health was concerned because my fears were transferred onto them. When I retired from work I knew I wouldn't be able to afford to keep the rescue open so gradually wound it down, passing my pigs onto friends in the gp rescue community. Since then the HA has been focused on me again BIG TIME.

It can't be easy being alone with a young child, but it does sound as though your anxiety about her is really getting you down and affecting both of you. Believe me, I'm not being critical. I hope you don't mind me asking, but did you suffer the loss of a close relative? This often makes us anxious about losing others we love. It's good that you've found the hypnotherapy helpful, but I think some counselling would also help you. You don't deserve to be alone with this and your little girl needs to mix with other children, as the others have said.

There are some nasty viruses going around at present and I'm sorry you're feeling so bad. I'm sure your little girl will be fine and if she does pick up the virus try to see it as something which is helping boost her immune system for the future. Children are a lot tougher than we think. I hope you soon feel better. Do consider the counselling as I'm sure there is some underlying cause for your anxiety. I wish you all the best.