View Full Version : Random pains... :-(

07-11-08, 09:31
Hiya guys... does anyone feel like everyday they wake up with something else wrong?? Like today I keep getting the odd sharp pains on the right hand side of my abdomen... could this be stress/anxiety as I'm having a really bad week? Does anyone feel like everything just really aches all the time? i hope it's nothing serious :weep:


07-11-08, 09:45
Hi Aileen, you are not alone with this one, I have had a bad week too and have had pains in the same place as you, just not feeling well at all. Yesterday pains went into my back and I had to go to the loo 4 times during the day, then got a really pressured head. Each morning I wake I immediately think whats wrong today, just get fed up with feeling "off it". There are a lot of viruses going round and I don't know if its a virus or health anxiety. At least you are not alone, just be kind to yourself and I hope you are feeling better soon.:hugs:

House fan
07-11-08, 10:09
Hi Aileen, I must admit I've just had a chuckle to myself after reading your post. Trust me when I say this.... you are definately not alone on this one. I was just thinking to myself yesterday, I can't remember the last time I actually felt good physically. Every day, and I mean every day, there seems to be something else that concerns me. The thing is though, it never seems to be something ordinary, like a sore head, or a painful wrist, or a sore throat, it seems that I always get landed with the weirdest symptoms, symptoms that to my knowledge only affect me. Sometimes it's just a 'strange' not quite right feeling, sometimes it's a funny sensation somewhere in my body, other times it is a dull ache that I just can't put my finger on. The list goes on and on..... sound familiar babe?
I don't think it's a virus, your body is highly sensitized at the moment, and your nervous, fatigued body is 'duping' you into thinking it's something far worse than it really is. Hope this helps.

07-11-08, 10:17
Thank you very much for both your replies... sometimes I feel like I'm all alone with these 'weird' symptoms and I keep asking my friends 'do you ever get...' and they say 'no it's just you' lol. which of course makes it about 10 times worse! I'm slowly learning not to google it, as 'a dull ache' comes up with the very worst of illnesses and usually says 'rush to A&E immediately' (if I'd done that everytime they would have given me my own ward...)

Thank you :-) xxxxxxx

07-11-08, 10:23
Hello all.
Go to patient uk website, don't search for your symptoms (!) but in the search facility type "health anxiety" and have a read of the self help guide.
It is really good.

07-11-08, 11:57
Hiya. yeah it feels like I have something wrong with me all the time. I suffer with IBS so the pains in my stomach I put down to that although I still worry that it might be something else.

Hope your ok x