View Full Version : Medication - does it work?

07-11-08, 10:46
I'm thinking of going on some sort of medication for my severe health anxiety and I was just wanting to garner some opinions........ Does it work (do you actually worry less on it)? How does it make you feel? Do you suffer side-effects? Do you recommend it, and if so what type??

any help/advice greatly appreciated!!

07-11-08, 11:19
Thanks Tetley.....
I know, everyone reacts differently. I was just wanting to ask people what their personal experiences of it were........ GP's can give me statistics and the possible side effects , etc...... but they can't tell me what it FEELS like to be on meds (unless they have been themselves, of course!)....... so I hoped people with first-hand experience might be able to help!

07-11-08, 11:59
Alas Tetley is spot on.

At 18 I was given paroxetine and after 4 weeks I was able to live again. no more undue worry and any strange body sensations I felt/symptoms has gone.

I cam off it a year ago for 6 months and I went down hill. I went back on it and 4 weeks back to being able to sleep, eat and laugh.

For most meds work but it takes time to find one that works for you, good luck and have some patience for the side effects as they will go away.

07-11-08, 13:01
Thanks Tetley.....
I know, everyone reacts differently. I was just wanting to ask people what their personal experiences of it were........ GP's can give me statistics and the possible side effects , etc...... but they can't tell me what it FEELS like to be on meds (unless they have been themselves, of course!)....... so I hoped people with first-hand experience might be able to help!
I think it is almost certain that you will worry less on and SSRI or a TCA, although how big a dose you will need to stop worrying completely will probably depend on the severity of your anxiety.

I find I need such a huge dose of Clomipramine or Lofepramine to quell my social anxiety that it really affects my quality of life - I'm so numb I just feel like a zombie, have no energy or interest in doing anything, and can't think clearly. I've decided it's not worth it, but hopefully you won't need as a high a dose!

I still stick on a lower dose because of the drugs' antidepressant effect - they make me a bit less despairing about my anxiety, even though they don't stop it.

I never experienced an increase in anxiety when I first went on drugs, but a few people do.

agent orange
07-11-08, 20:54
Hi. I found my anxieties were not helped that much by medication and therefore I came off it. On occasions I take a beta blocker. Like you Franz, I tried Clomipramine, the mental doctor wanted me on 150mg if I could tolerate it, but I felt ill on 30mg. I have also tried; Seroxat,Mirtazipine,Prozac,Citalopram. JoJo, they make indeed work for you if you can get the right ones, I hope it works for you. Good Luck.

07-11-08, 21:55
Hi there my love

I think its a case of weighing up how you feel - if your anxiety is manageable then maybe with cbt you would be ok but if you feel your anxiety is getting worse then maybe you should see about meds - they may have side effects in the beginning but this is only for first few weeks then you should start to feel better - its trial and error though in terms of which ones suit you and your a best to have chat with your doc