View Full Version : worries,bordem and the exploding boob.

The Fool
07-11-08, 11:16
my mother has gone to the docters this morning in a right state.she found a lump in her breast about 2 weeks ago and has gone to have it checked out :unsure: .ive never seen her so stressed in my life it was kinda scary to be honest im worried what they will find to. and its a a boring day so i have nothing to do then sit here thinking about all this..........its not good.

Cathy V
07-11-08, 11:22
Charl, turn it all into a poem...all the crap. Poems and songs dont always have to be about love. My brother who lives in liverpool, is mostly housebound and he writes about all the crap, but in a funny way and sends them into his local paper and they publish them a couple of times a month. he says it makes him feel better, and it relieves the boredom.

I know your thread wasnt meant to be funny, but exploding boob? cracked me up sorry...:)

Take care
Cathy xxx

The Fool
07-11-08, 11:23
yeh i no that was meant to be funny lol its because i hugged my mum last week and she told me not to becuase her boob might explode lol

07-11-08, 11:53
Hi wee Charli

I hope your mum is ok sweety! Lumps can be nothing too so please try not to worry too much.

Sending you a big hug
Loads of Love

07-11-08, 14:11
I found a lump a while back and it turned out to be a cyst.
Doc comes in with a needle the size of a shish ka bob skewer! I said WHAT THE HELL IS THAT FOR??? He says this is to drain the fluid so you will be more comfortable.
Well anyone who knows me knows I hate little needles so THAT ONE wasn't comin anywhere near me!!
I started talking alternatives and he basically said eventually it will subside on it's own.
I took the later opinion!
The one WITHOUT me being turned into a huge voodoo doll!!!

Point being, the majority of lumps are harmless altho they can hurt like hell!
Try not to worry hun!

07-11-08, 14:15
Same thing happened to my sister hun..it was a cyst and as far as i know,there have been no explosions:roflmao: Try not to worry hun:hugs: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The Fool
08-11-08, 21:17
yeh the docter said it seemed fine but she had to take antibiotics and pirmrose oil capsuals to see if it gets better and if not the docter will refer her to the specialist at the hospital

charlotte x

09-11-08, 15:26
a few months ago i found a lump in my breast teen, and yeah i freaked out to, but i went to docs and got checked out and thankfully it was nothing. its always worth getting checked out when we find things like that and its natural to stress and worry about it. sometimes they can be harmless cysts or fat pockets, so dont worry if u can help it unless ur mum told otherwise from docs hun xx not an easy one i know, but my thots with u hun xx