View Full Version : I'm not alone?

12-06-05, 10:33
Hi everyone.

Found your site a few days ago. Nice to know other people have similar feelings.

I get dizzy, sick, BAD stomach (you know what I mean), suffer from IBS anyway - maybe that's related. I don't know. I'm a bit confused - nothing new there. Anxiety came on last year when going to Cornwall on holiday. It took about an hour to get in the car. I only went because my six year old daughter would have been sad.

Daryl (my husband) is VERY supportive. Don't know why he puts up with it really. I want it to go away but I don't suppose it will. Not sure where it came from...

Oh yeah, I suffer with depression too. On and off for last 11 years. I'm taking St John's Wort and Bach rescue remedy when having particularly bad day (and loperamide). Which does help. Guess I'm managing it. Its just that you think its gone away then it sneaks up on you again.

Sorry for sad intro - having a bad morning.

Glad you're all out there anyway.


12-06-05, 10:37
hi and welcome this sis a great site and hopefully u will get better over time.

i have suffered with panic attacks and depression for around 13 years and only a few with depression i am getting better now and i havent had a attack in months since comming here.

12-06-05, 10:38
Welcome aboard!! Hope we can offer you some good support :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

12-06-05, 10:42
Hello Lisa

Welcome to the forum..

I hope you'll find great support here and advices. Sorry to hear about your depression, that's nasty... depression can lead to anxiety and vice versa.
IBS is horrible..I have to avoid certain foods (dairy mostly), otherwise I get really ill [xx(].
I hope you'll feel better soon.

**Don't believe everything you think .**

12-06-05, 16:39
Thanks all.

Just logged on again. Nice to be able to talk and not get negative response. "Don't believe everything you think" - I LIKE that. Its something I have to remind myself often.

Just been to Sainsbury's with nausea and tight chest. But completed the shopping with Daryl's help.

Feeling much better this afternoon. I love this website. Makes me feel almost sane.... Ha ha!

Lisa. :D

12-06-05, 16:56
Hey thats great , the website is helping you huh...
Well done for coping while in Sainsburys..

Take care.

**Don't believe everything you think .**

12-06-05, 17:19
Hi Lisa

Welcome aboard the forum.

I am glad you are feeling better today and well done on going shopping even with the problems you felt.

Hope we can be of some help to you on here.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

12-06-05, 17:48
Well done for getting out Lisa!! It will get easier in time..:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

12-06-05, 17:48
Hi Lisa,
welcome to the site - it's fab here!
really well done for making yourself go to the supermarket and stuff. sounds like you have a fairly positive approach, which will definitely help you get better.
hope to see you around the site soon,
henri x

12-06-05, 19:17
Hi Lisa,

A warm welcome to the site. Sorry you are going through a bad time. Things will get better it just takes time and small steps.

Well done for coping with Sainsburys. Supermarkets can be Panic City anyway Ive had many a panic in Tescos Sainsburys etc.. seem to be working my way around them all! LOL.

Take care and i hope this site helps you on your road to recovery.

Love PIP'S X X

12-06-05, 19:21
Hi Lisa

Welcome to the forum. Well done for getting out even though it was uncomfortable.

Hope we can help you push forward with this.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

12-06-05, 22:29
Thanks all. :D

Today started badly but got better as it went along. Slightly stressy about work tomorrow. Put my mask on and away I go.

Just knowing about this site is like having friends I didn't know were there. Reassuring me that I'm not losing the plot. And maybe there is hope after all!

Night all. Must sleep now. Not much sleep for last week or so... Tiredness makes me feel ill which makes me anxious in case I'm not just tired and the dizziness is anxiety... [:P]


12-06-05, 22:36
Welcome along Lisa,

I'm glad you found us - since joining this site last February I have done pretty well and I hope you progress similarly.

Also good that you have an understanding partner - that's a bonus!

Don't forget we have a chat room, which can get busy and fun in the evenings!


Take Care


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

12-06-05, 23:31
what is rescue remedy anyways...

13-06-05, 17:01
Hi Brandy.

Its a Bach Flower Remedy. Says on the bottle it "provides support at times of emotional demand". :)

It helps me anyway.

InsomniacL. X

13-06-05, 17:39
Hi Lisa,

Welcome to the site .

Glad its being of benefit

First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

RR: Rescue Remedy - Help needed (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2298)
rescue remedy (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=2303)
More RR : Rescue Remedy (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1501)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

14-06-05, 01:44
thanks for all your help meg!!!
