View Full Version : My new diseases! They change weekly I think.

07-11-08, 14:21
3 weeks ago I saw my hypnotherapist (for my health anxiety ironically) after a long break. He told me he'd been having a few problems but when I arrived he told me he'd had pneumonia!

Of course now I have had a weird bug all week that now includes a tight chest and dry cough. Of course my brain remembered being in contact with someone who (had recovered from and was likely not contagious) had pneumonia.

Also my neck is stiff. Last week I saw (walked past!) a girl I know had recently recovered from viral meningitis.

I know I'm being silly and I can talk myself out of the panic for a while but then as I feel worse with this bug (or whatever it is) the fear and panic rushes over me like waves.

Anyone want to tell me I'm being silly/over reacting/a bloody fool?

07-11-08, 14:37
I know how the mind can work and we can diagnose ourselves with all sorts but i'd put money on it that your fine and that your worrying over nothing !

Ben . . .

07-11-08, 14:41
Hello Claire,

You certainly aren't silly, just reacting like most of us do with health anxiety. The worst of this anxiety is not quite knowing if the symptoms we feel are real or tension related. Either way, we convince ourselves there is something drastically wrong. The tightness in your chest and dry cough is more than likely anxiety driven or just a simple little bug, and nothing for you to concern yourself about. I do undestand how you feel because so often i have been unable to untangle these distorted thoughts. If only we could take a step back from it all and see it for what it is. At least we are able to comfort each other on this site - we can see the anxiety in others, but not always in ourselves - strange really.

07-11-08, 15:38
The hypnotherapist should have know better then to tell you he had a seroius infection.

07-11-08, 15:48
I work at an out of hours drs service on the reception desk and we had someone who had menigitus who had sicked all over nurse and dr.
They were not given any antibiotics as you have to be really close(ie kissing them) to be given them.I know what you mean about seeing someone and thinking i've had those symptoms cos thats what i do all the time.
I try not to but my mind takes over.I find i have to keep my mouth shut when at work and lay it on hubby and close friends when i get home.They reasure me and then i'll be ok until i hear of someone else whose symptoms aare similar to mine.
hope you are ok and you are definately not alone!:flowers:

07-11-08, 22:33
Thanks to everyone who has replied. I feel so much better knowing I'm not on my own with these feelings/symptoms.

I'm having a pretty bad week to be honest. The first this bad in years.
I have no idea what triggered it. I was fine until Monday night when I either started with a bug or my ibs flared up. Since then I've been having dizzy spells, nausea, coughing, sore throat, fear of going out side (germs) fear of eating (poisoning) and I have just had to get out of bed to fight off my first panic attack in years.
I've been shaking violently and my stomach is flipping over.
I have been through all this many, many times before yet I seem unable to convince my stupid brain that it is all anxiety related and it will pass.