View Full Version : Finding it very hard to cope now that...

07-11-08, 15:09
Ok, So im new here, and i hope this site can help me.

Ive been suffering Panic Attacks ever since i was 13 years old, but as i grew older the panic seemed to get better, and i somehow learned to control it.
But since January this year there back, and worse than ive ever had before. Atm there ruining my life, ive had to pack my job in and everything. Ive been in and out of hospital, to the doctors numerous times, had LOADS of ECG's. (which have all came back normal) but for some reason i cant seem to tell myself that i AM OK. My doctor seems to think its more anxiety related rather than panic. It starts off with my heart really racing (about 113-130 bpm), then i panic and think im going to die! I get the usual tingling in my hands and face, my head goes dizzy, my legs like jelly and i break out in a sweat.
So now, im constantly on edge!! I sit and feel my pulse in my neck (which is a very bad habit), My dc has referred me to a councilor, which i feel is going nowhere.
There's not 1 part of the day where i dont feel anxious and on edge. Its so bad i cant even sleep alone at night!! :(
And to add to my stress i have just found out im pregnant, which was unplanned, but im ok about it, and so is my boyfriend and my whole family are very suportive.

Im 19 years old, and absolutely sick of Panic / Anxiety ruining my life!!

Help me?!


anx mum
07-11-08, 15:22
Hi im Bev i can relate to u today my pulse is racing over 100. All my ecgs have come bk normal. I feel the same like im gonna die. your not alone

07-11-08, 15:24
Hi Bev.
What a horrible feeling!! Mine is round about 98 today, im totaly freeking out, i feel totaly anxious and panicy.
To make matters worse for me, im waiting to go to the hospital on tuesday for a scan, as the hospital think my pregnancy may be ectopic :(

anx mum
07-11-08, 16:42
Try not to worry mines been over 100 today has come down now thank god. I to check my pulse alot in the day. Its taken over my life to. R u on any medication?

nic x
07-11-08, 17:46
hi, and welcome a great help to nmp, im sure u'll find this site a great help, i have. i to suffer fom anx and panic and have resorted to meds to help, i no your not in the poisition to have meds, and congratulations!!! hope scan goes fine on tues xx theres lots of self help info on here take a look and wish u well xxxxx

09-11-08, 15:39
thanks nic x

09-11-08, 17:52
:welcome: hi and welcome to the site

10-11-08, 07:19
i've had anxiety since i was 11, this year It got really bad for a good few months, I put it all down to stress, it does slowly get better, you just need to find something that works for you, maybe a better counciller,