View Full Version : Hi!

07-11-08, 16:27
Hi Everyone,

I'm new to the site - I've suffered from panic attacks on and off since the age of 6, I'm 22 now and have recently been really suffering. I went to councelling when I was 18 before I went to university and it really helped. But for the past 6 months or so things have got really bad again and I'm running out of ideas!

The doctor put me on beta blockers but I couldn't get used to them - I got migranes and it made things worse.

I have a huge thing about eating - when I'm stressed / feel anxious I can't eat so as a result have lost a lot of weight and the lack of energy makes me feel worse......

I hope coming on here will help and I hope to help others as well...

Pip x

07-11-08, 16:34
Hi Pip

Welcome along to NMP :flowers:

Love Lisa

07-11-08, 16:36
Hi there you have come to the right place, youmust eat even if its only bananas they are very good fro stress. Dont thety have a counciler at Uni you can go to. Take care get a banana and listen to Claire Weeks tapes free from NMP shop:bighug1:

07-11-08, 16:45
Thanks for the advice bumbles, I graduated uni over a year ago - I started a new job 6 months ago and I have to travel a lot and meet clients which is so nerve wracking - I get panic attacks when I feel I can't get out of a situation or just leave when I want to...

I've got a wedding reception tonight and I don't know anyone that's going apart from my boyfriend - he knows I get them and he's great, but the reception is on a boat so if I want to leave I can't - I'm debating whether or not to go now!

07-11-08, 17:08
Hiya :welcome: to NMP its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way

07-11-08, 18:27
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

07-11-08, 18:34
Hi Pip

Welcome to the site I am sure you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care


08-11-08, 00:27
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

DJ Trace
08-11-08, 01:16
Hi Pip,

Just Wanted to offer you a huge welcome.

Stay Safe And Well.
Love Trace Xx