View Full Version : undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder.

agent orange
07-11-08, 17:46
Has anyone out there been diagnosed with Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder/Hypochondriasis? I have and this condition does give you a varied range of symptoms. I posted earlier about this. I believe that this runs and co-exists with anxiety/stress. I would be interested if anyone else has this condition? You should check this out, but please do not self diagnose. I have been diagnosed by a Psychiatrist. I have had this long term problem for over seven years. I do manage to work, I have a family too, but it is a problem I would love to be over.

www.patient.co.uk (http://www.patient.co.uk)

agent orange
07-11-08, 20:46
Are there any Mental Health/Nurses out there who have come across this
disorder? I was told I had it but not sure how I was to deal and manage it.
It is a very frustrating thing to have.

Cathy V
07-11-08, 21:10
Hi agent, this is the definition as i understand it.

USD occurs when a person has physicl complaints for more than 6 months that cannot be attributed to any physical disorder.

Well that just about cover most of the memebers on the forum! but its a bit confusing to read up about it, and not too sure what the difference is between this condition and that of a hypochondriac? be good if you could explain it, thanks.

Cathy xxx :)

agent orange
07-11-08, 21:17
Hi Cathy. I think they run together. The mental professional I saw gave me a dual diagnoses. Hypochondriasis is listed alongside USD and other Somatoform Disorders. It may be that others who visit this site could well suffer from this condition; but as I am not a professional I cannot diagnose and It is dangerous to do so. Please check out the site that I listed if you are interested. Somatoform disorders are wide and varied.

Here are some other sites www.mysite.verzion.net (http://www.mysite.verzion.net)

Cathy V
07-11-08, 21:50
Thanks agent, i will take a look xxx