View Full Version : BAD DAY

12-06-05, 11:30
Hi Everyone,
My husband has gone on a golfing day to-day, and I feel lost, headache, sick, knot in my stomach the works. He is very much my 'safe person'.
He wasn't going to go, but I said no you must go. You can't keep your life on hold all the time. I have to deal with this. He will be back late evening. I am finding it hard, but I have to do it.
Your support would be most grateful.

Thanks Jennyx

J. Farmer

12-06-05, 11:44

Sorry to hear about that... I am sure you'll get thru this tho... I have been there before myself.... Sounds like you 're a bit afraid to be on your own...which is the case for me sometimes, I suppose you worry " what if something happens to me while i am alone, nobody will help me." Right?
It's just anxiety and worries tho, and I am sure you 'll be ok at the end of the day...
Take care.

**Don't believe everything you think .**

12-06-05, 11:48
hi jenny

i have also been there too - my hubby is a golfer and it got to the point i just had to let him go and have a break from me! I was hysterical while he was gone and phoned 'nopanic' and a lovely lady there really helped calm me down and make me see reason.. The fact that you WILL be fine.. you really will be fine.. just think how damn chuffed with yourself you will be when he gets back!!! then you know you can do it! I'm sure there is a sunday movie you can watch or an old sloppy film you have somewhere you can watch.. just keep yourself amused with something.. you can do it.

"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

12-06-05, 15:05
Hang in there Jenny. I also hate being alone but we need to do it to get through this anxiety. Do something that you really enjoy and the times will pass quicker..:D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

12-06-05, 15:59
hi, i used to feel like that when i was home alone too but im now able to be in the house alone(not outside yet though), i just kept myself busy by gutting the house out or coming on the comp or calling friends. hope this helps.:D


12-06-05, 17:57
hi jenny
sorry you are feeling so terrible today. i find that i have to keep myself busy and distracted if i'm home alone.
hang in there - i'm sure your husband will be home soon
henri x

12-06-05, 20:07
Hope you're getting on ok Jenny :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

12-06-05, 21:13
Hi Jenny

Really hope your day went ok.

My husband is my safe person also and I feel very guilty that i occasionally ask him to give up doing something he enjoys to stay with me.

One day we will make it up to them by waving them off at the door with a smile, ha ha

best wishes
Jo xx

13-06-05, 11:32
Hello Jenny

I remember this phase well - and it is just a phase...if you want it to be.

Firstly, I would recommend, turning your clocks to the wall and taking off your watch, checking the time and counting off the hours just adds to anxiety.

Secondly, you are your safe person, after all it is you who ultimately decides if a panic attack is iminent. If you decide to stay calm and relaxed today, focussing on the postives etc your day will fly by.

Use the time to enjoy to youself, have a long uninterupted soak, play some music, watch some trashy daytime TV. Plan a nice meal for this evening, something fancy that takes your interest.

Above all - dare yourself to enjoy your own company again. You are obviously a very caring lady to insist that your hubby go today - well done you!!!!!

13-06-05, 11:35
Opps - just noticed this was yersterday...Doh!!!!

Ignore all of the above - I hope your day went well though [^]

13-06-05, 12:25
Even though I live on my own, I can relate to how lonely and insecure we can be - when I was really down in the winter, I found it almost impossible to cope and stay sane.

You are used to having your husband there, and so can understand how difficult it must be when your rock is absent. Maybe in time you will grow accustomed to him not being there somedays, however hard that is. Maybe that will make you a little stronger, as hard as it seems.

But I think it may be useful to ring one of the national helplines to ease the pain when he's not around.

No Panic 0808 808 0545
First Steps to Freedom 0845 120 2916

If they are engaged, don't lose hope

And if ringing No Panic, try and ring just after the hour to avoid a volunteer helpliner going off duty

Take Care,


Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.--Alice Walker

13-06-05, 15:44
hope u feel better!


13-06-05, 18:08
Jenny ,

Well done for insisting he went ..

Thats shows a huge amount of courage

Good for you


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...