View Full Version : Do you feel like you are wasting your life?

07-11-08, 20:04
I do.Most of my time is spent worrying about my health and going to the drs.
I have a lot of time to think about things and get myself into such a state that i've wasted my day mulling over things.Im sure people around me think i am a nutter.My sister in law said exactly that the other day when a piece of cake had gone down the wrong way and i had a coughing fit.I then had pains in my head all afternoon and told her i thought id burst a blood vessel in my head.
I then spent the rest of the day worrying about it and now i am worrying that she is telling people what a nutter i am.

does this make sense?:scared15:

Captain America
07-11-08, 21:44
yeah, i feel like life is passing me by. so many things i should be doing that i don't, and by choice, just out of fear of triggering an attack. now if i'm having an attack or a bad day, i can understand. but even on a good day, i'm constantly looking over my shoulder. then as soon as something happens, i'm off the races in my head about what might have happened or what could happen.

although i have to say i'm better now. baby steps!

07-11-08, 21:47

I know what you mean I Don't suffer from health anxiety as such -not know I've had every test known to man but I do suffer from crippling anxiety to the point where I am now unable to work so I spend all my days lying in bed in silence - can't really go out for too long without panicking. The only time I do is to pick up my valium prescription. I feel like life is passing me by and my girlfriend is starting to get fed up with it all as we cant go anywhere together or do anything enjoyable. I constantly feel like I cant breath and dizzy and to be honest I've had enough.

It's no life at all what keeps me going is believing that one day everything will be OK again, But what I have realised is that there is no magic pill (and I'm on quite a few) it takes hard work to fight it and most days I tend to choose the giving up and lying in bed option where I feel safer.

07-11-08, 21:50
I feel like im missing in out on so much - never mind visiting places like new york - an achievement for me is the bloody supermarket lol - so although i joke it really gets me down - there are so many things i want to do and im wasting my life

08-11-08, 17:30
hi i really feel like life is passing me by i come from a large family 5 brothers and 4 sisters but feel completely alone with my anxiety i hate going out but have to force myself to collect my kids from school which is next door.

08-11-08, 19:45

i know exactly how you feel, i decided that i wasnt going to let it rule me anymore and i was going to do what i always wanted since i was 14 years old and that was to train to become a midwife. i have had my down points this past week or so since i decided this and it has been really hard and i dont want to get to 90 years old and think i wasted all those years worrying about things that i didnt have and wish id done midwifery. im not saying it is going to be easy for me to gain control of this HA becaus eit is not and this week has proved it to me i am gong to have set backs but i am determined to do this


11-11-08, 11:51
Yes I feel like life is passing me by because my mind is controlling me. There's so many things I want to do but even going into town or the supermarket is a big deal at the moment and I just get accused by my partner of being lazy because he doesn't believe me. Sometimes I get so angry I make myself walk into town and when the panic starts I just think come on then bring it on I won't let you beat me.