View Full Version : im so upset

07-11-08, 20:11
im so upset, sat here in tears. I am just talking to one my boyfriends mates on facebook & he said, so when is sticking a ring on your finger then? & i said, oh god knows & he said, oh well we asked him about it on the weekend & he mumbled 'i dunno' which is different to what he normally says cos he has always said a flat out no way in the past. I am so upset, we have been together for 6yrs & we want to try for a baby but I have a heart problem so having tests done to see if im ok to start trying but if he is saying that to his mates & I am going through all this pain for no reason then aren't I? I am gutted.

07-11-08, 20:16

Sweetheart you know what blokes are like when they are with their mates. If they say anything remotely romantic they get teased.

It's what your boyfriend is like with you that really counts. Take no notice of his mates and talk to him.

Loads of love
xxxx :flowers:

07-11-08, 20:19
thanks Lisa. I am sat here in tears.

07-11-08, 20:21

To me "I dunno" sounds much better than "no way" because it sounds like a date has just not been confirmed. I would talk to your boyfriend since you have been together so long and you are going through these tests to see if you can get pregnant. You obviously need to know if you two have a future together. I also agree with Lisa that "guy" talk cannot always be the best information around.

Take care,


Cathy V
07-11-08, 20:25
Yes i must admit i was abit confused by this janey. Are you saying you felt better when he was saying 'No way'? or have you got a bit muxed ip yourself when writing your thread? Its easy done when we are upset...xxx

07-11-08, 20:27
sorry cathy, no I have got upset, cos he has been saying to his mates, 'No way' when they have asked him when he is going to pop question. Sorry not wearing my glasses either which doesn't help! lol

07-11-08, 20:28


Try not to worry hun!


07-11-08, 20:28
thanks Lisa. xx

07-11-08, 20:32
Oh ok, now I understand. Yes, talk to him Janey and guys can still have completely different conversations with friends than the one they love and live with so dry those eyes until you hear it from the horse's mouth, er boyfriend in this case.

Big hug,


Cathy V
07-11-08, 20:33
Ok understand you. Bloody men eh? have a good talk to him when you're feeling a bit calmer. Best to get it sorted coz you need to know where you stand dont you? Aw dont cry...xxx

07-11-08, 20:38
yes I know you are right. Just feel humiliated he talks about me like this.

08-11-08, 12:16
Janey:hugs: :hugs: I am so sorry this has happened, you have every right to feel angry but things won't get resolved unless you talk to him and tell him you're hurt. Let me know how it goes hun:hugs: xx

08-11-08, 12:19
I told him last night & he didn't even deny what he said to his mates. I feel so low, I dont want to be in a reletionship that isn't going anywhere. I don't know what to do. I love him & I know he loves me but I don't want to be with someone who wants different things. I don't know what to do. I thought about going to my Mum's this weekend but I don't think that will resolve anything.

08-11-08, 12:28
Hi Janey

My friend, the one I've been posting about, is going through the same with her bloke. But her logic is completely out the window. But after listening to her I know how frustrating it can be when you really want something.

My husband backed out of marrying me, bfore we got to the alter I must add. Then we waited a bit and married two years later. So don't despair. Men just take ages to get their heads round marriage.

You need to tell him how strongly you feel and that you really don't know if there's a future without the prospect of marriage at some point. As for the tests, if you want to know about your chances of having a baby for yourself, then I'd still go ahead. It doesn't mean you have to start trying straight away, but at least you'll know if you can or not when you have the marriage thing ironed out. Don't pressure yourself too much though, they all get round to it eventually.

08-11-08, 19:16
:hugs: Have pm'd you hun, it will be ok:hugs:

08-11-08, 19:23
hey cher, looked at your profile, we share the same b.day!!!

08-11-08, 20:56
I know hehe! Libra is the best starsign:yesyes:

09-11-08, 15:29
think maybe sounds like his friend trying to stir it and annoy u and tease u. i woodnt worry about it, but if u are speak to ur bf and tell him wot his friend said to u. guys always say stuff different to their mates as they wana look matcho and not show their romantic side to their mates..its a guy thing... i bet u have nothing to worry about hun xxx