View Full Version : Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder with Hypochondriasis

agent orange
08-11-08, 12:57
Undifferentiated Somatoform disorder occurs when a person has physical complaints for more than six months that cannot be attributed to a medical condition. If there is a medical condition present, the complaints must be far more severe than can be accounted for.

The physical complaints that are expressed by people with this condition are many and varied. Some of the more common symptoms are Gastointestinal, pain, appetite loss. These generally can last for long periods. Patients with USD usually complain of many physical problems over time. Patients with USD usually see a multiple of doctors in an effort to find a physical cause. Causes of USD is not clear. Hypochondriasis is similiar to USD.
To read this in full, click on this site and it takes you to the article. www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1g2-3405700398.html (http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1g2-3405700398.html)

I believe some of us who suffer from Heath Anxiety may also be sufferers of a
Somatoform Disorder ( I have been diagnosed with this and with Hypochondriasis.

I hope it may be of use to you?


agent orange
11-11-08, 19:13
Are there anyone out there who can identify with this and/or suffers from this too?

Gem Can't Switch Off
11-11-08, 20:14
I am not sure what I have exactly- but I am convinced there is something wrong with my brain due to numbness in my arms, headaches, blurred vision etc. However, my symptoms always worsen when I'm not busy and I'm thinking about them or on my own and they all but disappear when I'm occupied (apart from the panic attacks which strike at any time!!). This leads me to think it's mainly health anxiety. I have unfortunately got every disease under the sun in my family, so I believe the worry stems from that, particularly neurological diseases as my Grandad passed away from Parkinsons and Alzheimers, which he was diagnosed with in his early 50's and lost a long fight to after 16 years. The illnesses I worry about do vary, but the symptoms remain the same??