View Full Version : my little man's party!

08-11-08, 14:10
It's my little mans 2nd Birthday today & boy as it been a busy week!
On Thursday we had him a party at home (aaaaaaarrrrgggghhhhhh!).
Ethan was up at 6.30am which was fortunate really as we were also having photos taken of our house for the estate agents website. We had to tidy up and scrub the place (alot of random things shoved into random cupboards). They came at ten and were gone by half past, then i pulled put the list
1. put up party banners/balloons
2. boil the eggs, grate the cheese (for sarnies)
3. Bath and dress Ethan
4. Make all the party food
5. Slice the spare cake for the party bags (always buy two cakes, much easier)
6. Make the pass the parcels up (or my friend did)
7. rush to the shops for last minute things
8. get in the bath myself
9. hoover round
10. Set the table.......
.......the list went on.

Then at 2pm all Ethans friends started arriving. 10 little boys and 2 little girls!
The party was mad, but a success. I had made a quiz for the parents and got them all to bring a baby photo (of themselves) so that everyone could guess who they were. (another success).
We had two cryers who cried their way through the party, a biter, a hairpuller, a toy trasher etc... all the things you would expect from 1-3 year olds. By the time they all left at 5.30pm i was exhausted to say the least.
If you could have seen the state of my house, you would have thought we'd fed the kids acid!
Ethan zonked out at 6:15pm and then me and my mum and cousin set about fettling the place. My bloke is on sick this week with a bad back so he got away without helping (Typical!).

What is the point of this post i hear you ask!

Well the point is, that, all day with all this disruption and stress, i mananged to keep my anxiety in a box, locked up with chains and bolts. It wasnt until 8pm when i sat down to relax that she burst out of that box and started bugging me.

I really must remember to keep myself busy busy busy.
I might even throw Ethan a party every week!