View Full Version : doctors are no help

08-11-08, 17:21
hi just to have a moan about the doctors i plucked up courage and went on friday and was told that the list for cbt was eighteen months and that i would have to try different medication to show them id tryed different things to get better. The thing is i dont want to go on medication as i have small children and dont want to feel like a zombie. There only answer is to throw tablets at you and let us get on with it. thanks lynne:shrug:

08-11-08, 17:43

Medication doesn't necessarily make you zombie l ike. First few weeks may be a bit hard to cope with it but that does wear off.

Why don't you try one of the cbt sites online? I don't personally rate it that highly anyway, but it has helped loads of people. Look up online CBT.

08-11-08, 17:54
Hi Lynne

There's nothing wrong with taking meds if you feel it's the only option. I personally don't take them as I prefer to work out a way of coping that doesn't involve chemicals, but I'm weird. I like to feel how I feel, not how a tablet is making me feel, if that makes sense.

I have taken meds before though, and sometimes they really do help. It depends how bad things are really. Sometimes your head just needs a bit of help to sort things out, it doesn't have to be forever, and they don't zombie you out. I did find I put on weight with mine which added to my anxiety, but all people and meds are different.

I find reading about anxiety and it's effects has really helped me. As well as testing my own boundaries, which does involve a lot of disappointments but also some successes. But like I said I'm a bit weird lol.

08-11-08, 17:55
hi i know how you feel i have 4 children hate taking tablets for anything i need to be in control but here it comes some do take the edge of i was on diazepam 5mg 3 times aday i only needed one but it helped then the doctor put me down to 2 mg after the first week as i said i thought i was doing well then bang taking my children to school and i had a big panic attack i felt i needed to run of my legs went felt sick needed a loo, so i went back to him he said i carnt stay on diazepam for ever as they are addictive so he gave me 7 5mg for emergencys i have not touched them.he gave me beta blockers wich have helped a bit take the edge of and there not so addictive again im suppose to have 2 3times a day i have 2 twice a day now im on the herbal route i take calms in between 3 times a day. my aunty is a therapist and knows alot about herbal remadies she said take the calms every day not just here and there as there not long acting and dont stay in the system for ages also today i baught bach flower rescue remedy from boots she said that really help when your stressed and you can take it with most medications it wont affect them as there herbal i also phoned the chemist to check.it depends on how bad you feel your self if your panic attacks are not to bad they may work just fine for you let me know how you get on xx

08-11-08, 19:33
I was given citalopram by one doctor, but the thought of taking it really annoyed me as I didn't feel depressed, just wanted to know what was wrong with me. I haven't taken any btw!
I changed my choice of doctor within the practice for my next visit and he has been wonderful, far more supportive and a good listener.
I also purchased Dr Claire Weeks book 'self help for your nerves' and cant recommend it enough. It is great when you have a down moment, as a distraction and comfort.

08-11-08, 19:34
ooh forgot to mention,
DONT be fobbed off by the 'have to try medication first' talk. I have only had to wait 2 months for my first appointment of CBT.