View Full Version : Ok its back

09-11-08, 00:35
At this moment am feeling mightly odd, and I know it my anxiety, weird that about five mintues ago i was sat watching something on my laptop and then i was getting restless with it. I have just read some of my other posts and a couple of someone else's. And wham i got nervous and scared. All i want to do is get in car and drive anywhere thats not here. Where i can find some peace and have space for myself.

I hate it my life at mintue and its my fault as am not doing anything about changing it, I am eating way to much crap food and I am hiding the fact that I am, something I have not done for a very very long time, but my partner would just moan at me or look at me with that look, kind of roll there eyes.

Am worried now that my anxiety will come back like it was a couple of weeks ago. To be honest am so angry that it is around and that my life is just crap at minute.

09-11-08, 01:00
I am sorry you are feeling so bad. Once anxiety starts it is hard to stop the cycle. I know the feeling of wanting to be anywhere but here. Hope you feel better soon.