View Full Version : Long road.

09-11-08, 00:43
I have globus! It started 3 months ago and escalated to my loss of swallow when I moved interstate and required hospitalisation as i could not swallow a thing.All tests came back clear-surprise surprise.I started on diazepam 2 months ago, on 7.5mg a day and zoloft (anti-depressant/anti-anxiety) low dose and have improved markedly. I have weaned myself down to 2.5mg diazepam a day which really just stops the withdrawal symptoms.I lost 7 kilos in a few weeks.

Do you all understand how this happens? Anxiety causes adrenaline to basically attack the top third of your oesophagus which causes spasm and hence you are unable to swallow. The diazepam helped me relax and the zoloft numbed me enough to not allow stress to affect my swallow. The problem now is that my swallow is fine but i have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) tendencies, as alot of us do(think how necessary it is in your job to have some OCD, otherwise the job does not get done!). The OCD element makes me constantly check that my swallow is effective.And my swallow is effective, I just need to constantly check. Now, there are two things you must remember and abide by, when you have globus:

1. Food is a chance for therapy.

2. Desensitise yourselves.

3. Write a list of what you will achieve (i.e. gulp down a glass of water, have a macchiato with a friend in a quiet cafe, make your list from easist to long term goal, such as eat a steak in a noisy restaurant-it may take months to achieve-i haven't yet).

Eat small amounts regularly. Eat anything. Practice makes perfect and eventually you find yourself eating without realising it.And start with things that go down easily-I eat tiramisu,rubarb crumble anything yummy just to eat. Find your trigger-mine is tiredness, expectation, loud people etc.

I still have my moments but i refuse to let this rule my life.
I hope this helps alot of you.

DJ Trace
09-11-08, 09:17
Hi Elvira,

Welcome to NMP.

Stay Safe and Well.
Love Trace Xx

09-11-08, 10:09
hi and welcome to nmp, im sure u will find lots of advice and support and also make new friends here. hugs xxxxxx

09-11-08, 11:35
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

10-11-08, 20:37
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

milly jones
18-11-08, 18:02
a warm welcome to no more panic

milly xx