View Full Version : late night panic attacks

09-11-08, 01:47
I awake from sleep feeling nautious:ohmy: hot"on fire"then scared to go back in case happens again,end up sitting in spare room, fall asleep for 1 hour then its time to go to work:scared15: ,tired all day then it happens over again why? the idea of a help line on a night is such a good idea for me.

09-11-08, 09:08
Hiya and :welcome: to NMP. Have you been to your GP? Maybe he could give you something to help you sleep?

DJ Trace
09-11-08, 09:13

Welome to NMP.

Stay Safe and Well.
Love Trace Xx

09-11-08, 10:10
hello and welcome to nmp, im sure u will find lots of advice and support here and make new friends too. hugs xxx

09-11-08, 11:36
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x

09-11-08, 22:31
Thanks for your replies,x ,I,ve been to doc,s had sleeping tablets but not keen to give you many just keep for real emergencies,I am on citalopram is any one else on these? is 10mg enough do you think,Have tried counseling to but it didnt work hoping to try a group session soon,"do you think meeting people with the same problems will work"?.Feel its distroying my life holding me back from doing the things I want to do so much,Its like acting my life to hide it and its getting harder.

xx B alone in my head,pain in my heart

10-11-08, 20:35
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

10-11-08, 21:37
hi!i too suffer waking anxiety,i put off going to sleep as i dread what is to come.Like you i am on 10mg of citalopram which is going to be increased this week,been on10mg for 5 weeks now.From what ive read you need a higher dose to be effective for acute anx and panic,have aword with your doc.Good luck sue

12-11-08, 03:28
If any admins see this thread, I feel it should be moved to the panics or general section as I feel there are some important points raised which are common to many sufferers.

I awake from sleep feeling nautious:ohmy: hot"on fire"then scared to go back in case happens again,end up sitting in spare room, fall asleep for 1 hour then its time to go to work:scared15: ,tired all day then it happens over again why? the idea of a help line on a night is such a good idea for me.

These are some thoughts to think about.


Often we lead stressful lives both at home and at work. This constant stress can become so much that it can tip our minds over the edge because the gradual build up of stress causes our nerves to eventually be torn to shreds.

We keep taking on more and more because it's often forced on us or we feel responsible. Sometimes we are perfectionists and are often too conscientious. We worry about everything, wanting things to be done just right but we forget our limits so end up taking on too much that is reasonable for one person to cope with. We end up burning ourselves out.

Once this happens we then begin to experience panicky feelings which can result in panic attacks. These panic attacks then frighten us into thinking they're more than just anxiety symptoms so we end up with even more worry which then causes more panics.


Worry in our day to day lives will also surface in our sleep because our mind is at a point where it creates so much adrenalin running around the body that the mind then can't "switch off". We can experience nightmares related to a feeling of trying to run away because we feel "trapped" by the stress in our lives.

When we wake from nightmares or wake feeling hot and sweaty, we are then often afraid of going back to sleep in case we experience more panicky feelings but this then creates lack of sleep.


If we don't get enough sleep, we will feel more stressed. We like to feel "in control" but when we're tired, we lose a sense of security which then makes us feel more anxious. This then adds to worry and lack of sleep.


We turn to the doctors because we don't know why we feel so ill. We're worried about what might actually be wrong with us. When we feel too stressed, we feel trapped and like a parrot in a cage we turn on ourselves. A parrot will pull his feathers out but we start worrying about our health but the worry is all caused by stress in our daily lives.

Medication can help to ease symptoms but the actual causes will be stress related. The stress could be caused by life at home, at work or by previous emotional stress from mistreatment in our past.

What really needs to be targeted is the underlying stress by making changes to our lifestyles, changing how we tackle our work, learning our limits or coming to terms with our past.

Important words to remember are Acceptance, Coming to Terms, Limits, Enjoyment, Relaxation, Time outs, Distraction, Delegating, Support, Building Confidence etc........ versus....... Perfectionism, Fear, Worry, Stress etc. There are always causes to our panics so there are always ways of tackling them but the right treatment depends on the actual stresses that are causing them.:hugs:

13-11-08, 05:06
Moved to panic section.
I agree other sufferers will benefit from reading this!

Welcome to NMP. I'm sure you will find alot of useful information and meet loads of supportive people here :)