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View Full Version : I hate this..

09-11-08, 04:36
Eh, I hate the healthy anxieties I have. Even though the doctor says it isn't anything like brain cancer, I still have the head pressure thing. She says it's more than likely stress and depression. I've been dealing with it my entire life, but this is the first time I had the strange head feeling. No pain, just weird pressure. It's gotten better over the days, but isn't totally gone. Of course, now I am stuck thinking there is something growing in my head. :weep:

I want to see a neurologist and get an MRI, but at the same time I don't want to because I am afraid of bad news AND I can't afford it anyways.

This feeling only just started a few days ago after I hit a major low of mine (ironically because I thought I had brain cancer and because a severe allergic reaction I had). I haven't been eating as much because I've been so stressed.

Gah, I'm tired of being scared, sad, and crying..ugh..:weep:

09-11-08, 05:19
If you have pressure in your head, and have allergies, could it be your sinuses? I've had a lot of sinus trouble this year and am very familiar with that feeling of pressure in my face and head. You can get inflamed sinuses without a stuffy nose or pain.

09-11-08, 06:12
Stop worrying.:flowers:

09-11-08, 08:15
I have had the head pressure for the past month now, so I know how you are feeling, it is not nice, but I am pretty sure that is due to stress and please try to accept that and you will find it eases. I know I am on a downward spiral at the moment and all the symptoms rear their ugly heads and it is so difficult to be positive, but we must try and accept it for what it is. The doctors know what they are talking about, they would be sending you for a scan if they had any doubt. I do hope you can relax a little and there is always help on this site.