View Full Version : Fear of Going to Church Services

09-11-08, 11:11

I once actually fainted in a church service about a year ago, and have only managed to get there again a couple of times since, because of the faint headed feeling and dizziness I get from the worry and stress of "getting ready to go" and actually getting there.

Will I feel dizzy ... will I feel faint ... will I pass out like before?

How do I get myself to go to another service again? Any ideas?

09-11-08, 11:17
hi hun, mayb u could get there early so u can sit on your own for a while and try to relax before others turn up. hugs to u xxxx

09-11-08, 11:37
Dear Donna

Thanks.. I've tried that, but it doesnt work. I just get more and more anxious and dizzy.

However, a big hug to you too.:flowers:

09-11-08, 12:09
Hi Rosy, my coping strategy is to sit at the back at the end of a row near the door so that I know I can aways slip out if I want to and slip back in when I am ready. Knowing that I can come and go easily means I rarely need to.

09-11-08, 12:17
Hi Rosy, my coping strategy is to sit at the back at the end of a row near the door so that I know I can aways slip out if I want to and slip back in when I am ready. Knowing that I can come and go easily means I rarely need to.

well done thats works

09-11-08, 12:58
I would definately start by aiming to do as Dozyrosie does and sit at the back of the church - knowing you can leave at anytime will do alot to diffuse the tension you are building up inside you.

Just because you fainted once does not mean this will happen again and dizziness is a very common anxiety symptom that sadly we have to work alongside from time to time.

The more often you go to church or indeed repeat anything you find difficult then the easier it becomes. I'm finding this with the dentist this year - the difference between my first visits earlier this year and how I was last week is incredible.

Those first few steps are the hardest but if you can keep telling yourself you have nothing to fear and can do it then it will become easier.:hugs:

Love Piglet :flowers:

13-11-08, 23:33
oooh, i don't like churches full stop!
I melt in church!!
I am actually convinced that in some past life i was a witch or a vampire!!!

I sit right at the back too but this is not always possibe is it? Especially when you are a bridesmaid etc...
The vicar at our local church won't let you sit at the back, he likes to squash everybody to the front. As he never heard of anxiety or claustraphobia?