View Full Version : ok this is really irrational

09-11-08, 13:55
Hello all, ok this is really irrational and i feel slightly silly for even talking about it but my head is being mean to me today. I just got back from ikea and had to use the toilet i try and squat on most public loos but being nearly 8 months pregnant and finding that difficult i sat down. When i stood up sheer panic as i realised that the loo seat was wet. I know it could have been water but i keep thinking i may have sat in someones wee and its making me feel sick. I am now at home and i can feel myself worrying. Can you catch anything like HIV or herpes from this? HIV is my biggest fear and im worrying :(


Cathy V
09-11-08, 14:01
Hi tash, sometimes the loo seats are wet because the flushes on public loos can be a bit fierce, and can splash the seat if its left down.

Cath xxx :)

09-11-08, 14:39
Hi Tash, Cathy is right and especially in public toilets. Besides, it is not possible to catch HIV from sitting in a bit of someones pee. You really should not worry.
Blimey 1 month to go, how very exciting! Hope you've got your hospital bag packed. My little man was two yesterday but it doesnt seem two minutes since i was 8 months pregnant. It's all exciting stuff!!

09-11-08, 15:22
Hi Tash

Don't panic you can't catch anything nasty from urine and I think like everyone said it was water. I think you would have noticed if there was urine on the seat. I've done hygiene and infection control courses at work as I work for the NHS and urine is actually sterile, so don't worry. You will be fine, and good look with the baby.