View Full Version : help me! terrified. Leaking brain fluid ??

09-11-08, 18:26
on friday, i woke up with my nose really dripping, just out of one nostril. it was none stop, like clear water.
i googled and read that this could be leaking brain fluid OMG

I rang the doctor, and because i also mentioned that a few days before i had had a feeling of fullness/pressure in my ears he said he thought it wuld be sinusitis and to collect a prescription for antibiotics as they were just about to close for the weekend.

i have never had my nose run like that before ever and i am still frightened that it is not sinusitis as there isnt any pain in my face.

at times i have felt so scared that i cant look after my kids and my partner isnt speaking to me as he thinks i am ridiculous :weep:

09-11-08, 18:31
God you poor thing. When you partner doesn't respond properly there is nothing worse. You are not being ridiculous believe me. I know what it's like to panic. I agree with the doctor i think it is more likely to be your ears than your brain. You would have lot's of symptoms beside the leaking nostral.

Stay focused try the anti-biotics. If they don't work and your nose is still leaking then if you want you can panic, but guess is it will be gone...

Take care

09-11-08, 18:39
thanks. i am taking the antibiotics.

in the past 6 months i have been to ent about a lump feeling in my throat, and nothing turned out to be wrong with it, also to cardiology for chest pains and palpitations and again nothing wrong with heart.

so, my partner will not take me seriously and this among other things has driven us apart. i worry about my son constantly too, because he has an immune deficiency and every time he comes down with a virus or something i am a nervous wrck taking him to a & e sometimes. i dont want to be alone, and try to get my partner to stay in with me all the time. but, hes sick of me and so now i feel more alone than ever anyway.
alone and mental!

i just dont know what to do anymore

09-11-08, 18:51

its not leaking fluid from your brain hunny, its more than likely to be the awful cold that is going around at the moment, i have just had it i had one nostril that was blocked and one that was runny, i promise hunny you are fine

09-11-08, 18:56
Don't forget that your ears, nose and throat are all connected. Your doctor is right it sounds very much like sinus problems. I think that this leaking brain fluid is more likely to happen after a trauma, i.e brain heammorage (now i know that this is spelt wrong) or severe head injury, you would know if it was either of these wouldnt you! I can understand why you are worried though, anxiety gives us this tendancy to see everything much worse than what it actually is. It's a shame that your partner does not understand what you are going through. I think many of us are/or have been in this situation where we don't have the support of our OH's. My fella was totally ignorant to my anxiety and refused to acknowledge i was suffering. That was, until he started with work related stress & anxiety himself. I hope you can make your partner understand & start getting the support you deserve.

09-11-08, 19:00

www i as other are sure it is not leaking fluid there would be more going on you would not be able to sit and panic i think you would be really ill.
see this is what we with anx and pa,s do best panic over all kinds of things but i bet it is a cold ,or what the doc said it may be or it could be an allergy to somthing .
try not to panic if your doc thought somthing was wrong he would have seen you right away hun
try do something to take your mind off things a bit
jodie xx

09-11-08, 19:02
oh god, thank you so much for taking time to answer my post. i am getting all teary now just because it feels so good to have someone be nice to me and sympathetic.
i put on ths fake smiliness every morning getting my kids up and out for school and its killing me
but i am grateful for your responses :)

09-11-08, 19:19
Linny it sounds like you might be a bit depressed? I know that fake smile routine well. Have you spoken to your doctor about your anxiety? You can have sinus/ear problems without pain, btw. Try breathing in some steam to clear your sinuses out. It'll ease the pressure and temporarily stop the constant drip. Hope you feel better soon :flowers:.

09-11-08, 19:19
hes ridiculous lets hope he never gets it, wish you better

09-11-08, 19:52
Leebee as made a valid point. It could be that the extreme anxiety you have been experiencing is now causing you to become depressed. It's quite common, and i was like this back in the middle of the year. I had to put on an act of smiliness and and get on with life despite feeling so down and stressed and feeling that every little ache and twinge was much more serious than what it actually was. Its not a nice place to be but you don't have to suffer, go speak to your doctor.

09-11-08, 21:08
on friday, i woke up with my nose really dripping, just out of one nostril. it was none stop, like clear water.
i googled and read that this could be leaking brain fluid OMG

Well, I think it's safe to assume it 'snot.
I would advise you to measure the circumference of your head each morning, just in case, to see if it's shrinking. :shades:

10-11-08, 09:27
Hi There

I have had this worry about leaking CS Fluid myself. The doc said that you would go downholl VERY quickly if this were the case, it wouldn't be a leaking nose but feeling not too bad and being able to function properly.

If it's any consolation - my leaky nose and congestion and pain in sinuses has been going on since last December..... still no clearer as to what it is!

10-11-08, 11:02
LINNY, just a quick note to let you know that both myself and my partner have had this runny nostril during the year. My partner came home from work in Sept and said that he thought he had a tap up one of his nostrils, it has just poured clear fluid all day. Then in October I had the same, but it only lasted 2 days. Hope this helps. Hugs:hugs: