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View Full Version : tired of ectopics

kawasaki kid
09-11-08, 18:41
Hello everyone, hope your all well!!!!....................I seem to be having a bad week, not good, anyway I recently have started to suffer from these so called ectopics-double bbeats, there terrible.Ive never really been one for worrying about my health but these things are so annoying. Ive had the odd flutters now and again in the past but never given them a second thought but three months ago everything changed. I started to get these ectopics which at first scared the life out of me.............................After many visits to a&e, the docs,paid private for cardiologist,loads of wires,ecgs,echotest i was diagnosed----------NORMAL........normal,I took that on board along with atenalol 25mg tabs and off I went......................After a few weeks the tablets if anything made things worse so I stopped taking them with the docs concent and everything went back to normal.............GREATSTUFF........got my life back..............or so I thought.............8/9 wks on to the beginning of last wk they came back, this time with horns and what seems a BAD temper!!!!!!!!!!!. Since monday they have been constant all day,I dont seem to get a break from them unless im asleep.......I carnt understand why they are like this when im not paniced by them nor do they worry me----- they realy annoy me..........any ideas on this matter would be greatly appreciated.......THANK YOU FOR READING. hope to here soon..:mad:

09-11-08, 18:55

well i have had these ectopic beats for many years now and i know how horrid they are and how they can take over your life !
i have had all the tests done as you have and for a while it did help but then they came bk :huh: in the end after finding this site and getting so much help i knew i had to not think about them as that is what i feel makes them worse you think your not panicy but i found i was waiting for these dam beats to start,try to not panic when you get them just get up and do something ,have a cold drink people say that helps or crazy as it sounds try sneeze that puts your heart bk to normal rhythm,or put your hands in ice cold water that dose the same apart from that you realy need to see them for what they are a missed beat it wont hurt or kill you the worst thing about them is how they make you panic and how they feel

jodie xxx

10-11-08, 14:50
Try not to worry as I had a really bad spell with them to the point where I dare not go to sleep in case my heart stopped. The good news is I started to get breaks in it eventually especially when doing something physical like housework. Then I became free of it completely only to have it replaced by another frightening symptom! But don't worry it really will go.

10-11-08, 16:49
Don't give these things a second thought! :) I know it's hard to do, believe me, but that's the only way to get rid of the ectopics, just don't pay any attention, ignore them! Every time you get one, just dismiss it. I just tell my self; "How is my worrying about this going to help? IT'S NOT! Just accept it, forget it and move on. I am not going to waste my time with this!"

When I started to get the ectopics I pretty much went into full panic mode every time I got one. I also went to the a&e and then to a cardiologist. Did multiple blood works, ECGs, echos and all sorts of other tests......everything was normal. The cardiologist said that some people just become aware of how their heart behaves and can feel every little thing....he basically said not to worry. This was about 1 year ago. Since then, the ectopics have largely gone. I still get them every once in a while but try not to pay much attention.

10-11-08, 18:17
I had these bad in July and August and basically for two months my heart is all I worried about. That was a waste of my dang time! I started getting distracted in other things and one day I was like "f**K it! if I die, I die! but I wanna enjoy the time I have, Im sick of worrying about my heart which hasnt ever given me a single problem, ever!" and they started coming less and less. Eventually during the period my anxiety was the leastttt...they stopped and they haven't come back since.

They can stop when you calm down

15-12-08, 00:46
HI, I'm new to the group. I have anxiety and have suffered from palpitations for several years, off & on. I have been to the cardiologist and had all the tests run, only to be told that I have a healthy heart. They settled down a bit but have come back with a vengence. Does anyone get dizzy with theirs? How about naseaus or clammy hands? Sometimes it feels like my heart is not going to go back into normal rythym. It's so, so scary. I have been under a lot of stress lately (failing business), and I have one palpitation after another. I bought a home monitor and it has helped me a bit, as it shows nothing abnormal. I just wanted to see if anyone else felt dizzy or clammy when they get it. Thanks! Janet

Cathy V
15-12-08, 10:30
Hi Kid, sorry to hear they are back with a vengeance, but don't forget that its not only extra adrenaline that can cause them....as in anxiety and anger can make more adrenaline dont forget too, in fact any extreme emotion can do it. You must have heard people talking about their hearts 'missing a beat' when someone they fancy walk into a room. Its also common to get them during orgasm, but not many people mention this haha!

If beta blockers dont stop them (and they are meant to because their job is to block the receptors that allow the adrenaline to bomb around the heart, but like you, they didnt really stop them for me either) then try the digestion route. How are your eating habits? do you get bloating after a meal or extra gas, or gas that you can't release etc etc.? Sometimes if you have digestion problems it can irritate a nerve called the vagus nerve and this in turn irritates the heart, enough to cause these ectopics.

Its worth considering, and if you think it might be a reason there are lots of just normal over the counter things you can take, its just a matter of finding the right one. When your stomach settles down you might find that the ectopics do too...I kid you not on this :)

But if you dont think its your digestion, then have another word with the doc and ask about either changing your meds or maybe changing the dose.

Take care
Cathy xxx

17-12-08, 01:03
Hi Kathy - Thanks for the reassurance. I haven't actually taken any medications for the palpitations. That's part of my anxiety - I'm afraid to take any meds!! I do notice that when I have heart burn, my heart races. Yesterday, I felt like my heart was never going to stop beating funny, but today, I only had a few palpitations. I get dizzy and clammy hands with mine sometimes. Does anyone else? Janet

17-12-08, 02:12
It could be that the clammy hands and dizziness are actually caused by the anxiety that comes on when you get the palps. Do you feel panicky or anxious while the palpitations are happening?

Rachey poos
17-12-08, 08:02
the min i get them hun anxiety kicks in @ the first missed beat then its all downhill from there..... its a web of anxiety!

18-12-08, 00:28
I don't think the dizziness and clammy hands are from anxiety because it happens at the exact same time as the palpitations. I used to get extremely anxious from them, but I have gotten much better about accepting them. It's just a wierd feeling and while I have learned to live with them for the most part, there are times that I think I'm a goner! It feels like it's never going to go back into a regular rythm.