View Full Version : Seem to be scared of most things....

10-11-08, 09:58

I don't know if I've always been this way,or whether its started since my anxiety did,

The thing is I seem to be scared of a Hell of alot of things. As well as being scared of every symptom that I get I'm scared of mice, rats, frogs, worms, snakes and quite a few other things like that. Then I'm also scared of flying, boats, fairground rides etc etc the list could go on. I also seem to be more jumpy than I used to be too.

I was wondering if any of you seem to be frightened of more things than most people are, or is it just me that is super sensitive to everything....?

I really don't want my 2 daughters to end up being frightened of as many things as I am, but I don't know what i can do about it all.

Thanks for reading.

10-11-08, 11:13
Hi Mayson, I've been afraid of almost everything life had to offer since my dad died suddenly when I was nine. I'm phobic about life - illness, people, death, going out, being alone, relationships - but I'm not afraid of animals - they have usually brought me what little solace I have known in my life. I sympathise, I know how unbearable it is to be afraid all the time. Wish I knew what the solution is - I've been searching for 55 years.

10-11-08, 11:30
Hi - it's part of the anxiety. Your mind runs riot and everything becomes a risk/a dangerous peril.

When I am feeling low and anxious I only seem to think about the scary stuff and it amplifies.

Haven't got a solution though !

10-11-08, 12:01
hiya - when my anxiety was at its worst i was scared of EVERYTHING!! but as my anxiety has reduced and my outlook on life has become more 'normal' - my fear of things has massively reduced!! i think its partly about facing the fear though - for example if you're scared of spiders and you see one in the house just spend a little while looking at it - you'll soon realise it wont hurt you! dont do it to prove a point to anyone but yourself! as you become less anxoius things will seem a lot less scary! with me i think i was scared of things because they made me anxoius but it was my anxiety about them that made me scared - once youre out of that circle the fear will be reduced!

10-11-08, 20:19
I have found that my fears have become heightened since I have suffered from anxiety - I went to Alton towers the other week and was petrified of all the rides! When I had been 2 years previous I went on everything no problem!

Wish I could find some way to overcome it, i really want to go travelling but the thought of going on a plane sends me potty :-/