View Full Version : Have to got to the Docs today....very worried

10-11-08, 10:19
Hi Everyone

I had a ruitine eye test on Saturday and the optician has told me I need to get my blood pressure checked. She could see from looking into my eyes that I have high blood pressure. I could feel the worry wash over me and have been panicing ever since. I came straight home and got my sister to check mine (she has a home monitor), the reading was 150/90 and that is high for me!!! I've got an appointment at 4.30 today and but I feel so down I could cry :weep: . I'm going to be a grandmother for the first time next year and now I'm worried I will get ill and not be around to see it grow up.

I really don't know what has caused my BP to be raised, I'm 52, gave up smoking 18 months ago and not over weight. The only thing going against me is I get anxious and stressed about things.

Please, please could you let me know what you think of my BP reading.


10-11-08, 10:25
150/90 isn't too bad. Also, those home monitors aren't always very accurate, I've heard? There are lots of things that could cause your high blood pressure, but if it's just a general fitness thing then it is easy to bring back down with a few changes in diet and exercise patterns. High blood pressure is something that is quite straightforward to control these days. Good luck at the doctor's, I'm sure you'll be fine :).

10-11-08, 10:40

I should try not to worry too much, but treating high blood pressure is very easy.

I have tablets for high BP after having had readings 170/120 it got it down to how is should be and i've felt better ever since.

Please try not to get in a state about it as this will only send it higher.

10-11-08, 10:44
Hi Vinny, I agree with LeeBee that 150/90 is not that bad. You were probably a bit stressed out even having your bp taken at your relative's and this would raise it a little. I have a bp monitor and take mine when I feel stressed, which I shouldn't do and mine has been even higher than your on occasions, but normally my bp is quite low, so when you go to the doctors ask him to take your bp when you first go in and then just before you leave and I bet there will be quite a difference in the readings. Let us know when you get back how you got on. Good luck. :)

10-11-08, 10:46
My sister has been on tablets for high blood pressure for a few years now and she's absolutely fine. She only found out by chance that she had it when someone brought a blood pressure monitor into work. She is also 53 and not overweight at all. Hope you are okay. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

10-11-08, 10:51
I don't understand blood pressure at all because a few months ago I was on HRT tablets and I went for my second course of 3 months worth of tablets and I saw the nurse instead of the doctor and she took my blood pressure and then looked very worried and said it was a bit high and was I anxious at all - well I know I definitely wasn't anxious at all because I wasn't at all worried about my blood pressure because it's always been fine. When she said that I did worry though. She left it a minute and then took it again and it was fine. I did decide to come off the HRT in case it was that that was causing it. When I was feeling ill with indigestion and heartburn a few weeks ago I got really stressed up because I had been looking on Ask.com for what it might be and found some very horrible answers. The doctor took my blood pressure and I was in a right state but it was absolutely fine.:huh:

Cathy V
10-11-08, 10:54
Hi vinny. Im 55 and was diagnosed with high bp last year after a lifetime of normal (around 138 over 88) but the normal range is a fairly wide one and 150 over 90 comes into it so wouldnt worry too much. Mine has been much higher than that at times, usually at the docs, so he takes it twice. I take beta blockers coz i also get migraines and these help with both. My mum was diagnosed with high bp in her 50s too and also takes betablockers. Shes 74 now and has never had any problems or illnesses connected to her blood pressure. You'll be fine, try not to worry too much.

Lets know how you get on at the docs :) xxx