View Full Version : Jury Service

10-11-08, 11:25
Sorry, just needed to moan.

I have just received my second jury summons this year, the last one being in June.
Last time around I filled in the form, explaining that I had a disabled daughter who I had to look after, a husband with quite severe health problems and that I suffered from Agoraphobia so I would find travelling very difficult.
I was excused jury service and as they had all this info, I assumed that they would keep a record of it and I wouldn't be contacted again.
I have just rung them up, the lady was quite sympathetic but said I needed to fill out the form again, I should be excused again but there's no guarantee.
I'm having a rough day today and the last thing I needed was to be dealing with this type of thing! :mad:

Ok, rant over. Anybody else been on the receiving end of nonsense like this?

10-11-08, 11:59
I know its so tiresome but I would just take your time fill the form out and send it off. It's most probable you wont be called.

Pooh x