View Full Version : Panicing now.

10-11-08, 12:25
I phoned the doctors this morning and they couldn't fit me in before Wednesday. I kept thinking about my symptoms and decided to phone the nurse at the clinic to see if she could put my mind at rest and I told her my symptoms and she said if I was worried she would get me in with the doctor today. Well she has got me in for 5.30 tonight with the worst doctor in the practice - a lady doctor but she's not very sympathetic at all and very blunt so I'm scared silly now - partly of her and partly of what she will find.:weep: :weep: :weep:

Someone on another forum has suggested colon cancer and I am terrified now. I had some blood tests a few weeks ago including a liver test which were all find so I'm wondering if anything would have shown up in these tests if it had been anything nasty.

10-11-08, 12:40
Hi Jan, can i ask what your symptoms are? Blunt or not a doctor is a doctor i know it sucks seeing someone who doest understand but she will still be able to tell you the truth if she thinks in any way theres something wrong she will tell you

Dont worry it will be fine


10-11-08, 12:52
Well I had that helibactor thing sorry can't think how to spell it. I had a weeks worth of strong antibiotics to wipe it out as the doctor said. It's nearly two weeks ago that I finished them and on Saturday night I got a bit of a pain in my stomach so I went to go to the toilet but this mucusy stuff came out of me before I could get there.:blush: I then started getting a bit of lower back ache yesterday. I'm worried sick about it.

10-11-08, 12:58
I phoned the doctors this morning and they couldn't fit me in before Wednesday. I kept thinking about my symptoms and decided to phone the nurse at the clinic to see if she could put my mind at rest and I told her my symptoms and she said if I was worried she would get me in with the doctor today. Well she has got me in for 5.30 tonight with the worst doctor in the practice - a lady doctor but she's not very sympathetic at all and very blunt so I'm scared silly now - partly of her and partly of what she will find.:weep: :weep: :weep:

Someone on another forum has suggested colon cancer and I am terrified now. I had some blood tests a few weeks ago including a liver test which were all find so I'm wondering if anything would have shown up in these tests if it had been anything nasty.

Who on earth suggested it could be bowel cancer?:mad:

10-11-08, 13:05
It was someone on a dog forum I go on, I was asking if it could be IBS and if anybody else had it but somebody said that it could be but they have to rule out Colon cancer, Crohns and Ulcetrative Colitis which I suppose they do really but it's just something more to worry about. The mucus is really upsetting me.:weep:

10-11-08, 13:10
I wouldnt listen to people on a dog forum hun :) theres so much going around that causes that kind of thing at the moment everyone i know is ill. I know its scary i dread going to the doctors because i am always convinced they are going to say 'yep your right it is cancer' but so far that hasnt happened and trust me i have been through nearly every cancer so far :blush: . I saw one doc who said do you feel suicidal? i said no he they was rude and said well get some councilling then. Docs can be mean if they dont understand HA but i think she will just say its a side effect of the the tabs


10-11-08, 13:22
Oh I really hope so Tash - I'll be over the moon if she does say that. I have had three brushes with cancer which fortunately weren't cancer (ovary, lump in breast and mole) so I'm always thinking my luck is going to run out soon.:weep:

Thanks for your support.:hugs:

10-11-08, 13:39
Hi Jan
It sounds very much like IBS to me and if you had blood test only a few weeks ago and they were clear then you really shouldn't be thinking it's cancerous. Worrying will make your IBS worse so try not to.
Good luck at the Docs, I've got an appointment at 4.30 too :-(

10-11-08, 13:42
Thanks Vinny, I'll try not to worry, hard as it may be.:blush: Hope your appointment goes okay although yours is an hour earlier than mine. Have you got something along the same lines?

10-11-08, 14:17
No (although I do suffer from IBS from time to time and have had a camera put up/down both ends!!!).

I had an eye test on Saturday and the optician said she could see from looking into the back of my eyes that I had high blood pressure and should go and see my GP. This sent my health anxiety through the roof so I'm going to get it checked later. Very nervous about it....trouble is that will raise my BP even more!!!

10-11-08, 14:25
Oh yes I remember now - I answered your other post.:blush: I think blood pressure is very common and I wouldn't be worried at all if I had that - I'll swap you.:D

10-11-08, 14:55
aw jan :hugs:I suffer with IBS and I have mucus in my stools (sorry tmi) Its so frightening. But its normal I also suffer with constant belly aches worse when my anxeity is high. Some times I think its as bad as having a baby. I really hope the doctor puts your mine at rest xx

10-11-08, 15:51
Oh thanks Leeann, it's so nice to know that somebody else has this and is okay - thank you so much for that.:) I am just a wreck where any tests are concerned and I suppose I will have to have one of those stool tests which I am dreading cos waiting for the results will kill me.:blush: Does the mucus ever go away or do you have it all the time if you have IBS? I'm not sure if I have had this for a few weeks or not since I first started being anxious but I wasn't really checking for things like that then.:blush: