View Full Version : Fed Up with feeling Dizzy

10-11-08, 13:22
Im really fed up with feeling dizzy and spaced out!
Overall my anxiety has been quite good lately, but the more often i feel this dizziness and occasional sharp pain in head the more likely i am to start really worrying again!!! grrrr
It only happens when im at home! If im at work i feel fine!!!

Any ideas? Have also had sore throat and been quite lethargic. Maybe it could be sinal??

10-11-08, 13:36
Hi...... I get dizzy and feel off balance usually when walking or rushing...esp to school to pick my son up. The doctor gave me beta blockers for anxiety, which i took for 3 days and didnt like, so stopped them. Maybe you should get your ears and throat checked out to rule any physical conditions out first. I get de-realization and de-personalization sometimes which i hate grrr. take care and wish you well. Angie x

10-11-08, 20:22
I found I get the 'spaced out' feeling and dizziness when I am at home not doing alot, I have been to the doc's and theres nothing medically wrong with me, it's just Mrs Anxiety playing tricks!