View Full Version : Dreams

10-11-08, 13:34
I had a very scary realistic dream.

I was in my worst case senario situation. I was left in the middle of a town, 30 miles from where i live, with no money and no phone. In this dream i knew where i had to get to, but i was panicking my a*se off. I was having panic attacks in my dream, but then i had to snap myself out of it and try and get home, somehow. I was walking round and around this town, getting lost, feeling more and more scared and panicking...

..in the end, i woke myself up crying. I had proper tears.

I hate those dreams, i rarely have them but when i do they shake me up. Why the heck can't my mind give me a break - even when i am sleeping its trying to 'get me'.

Does anyone else get them??


10-11-08, 13:47
I get a re-occuring dream that my wee 7yo girl is asleep on a ledge that's really small, but high up.

People are walking and laughing as they walk along the cliff and I am frantic that they don't wake her incase she falls.

frig knows what it means but it has me waking in a spin sometimes.

10-11-08, 20:25
Why is it that we dream stuff like that anyway??
Scares the crap out of anyone who has one and it's not like it helps a person in any way!!!
I hate the ones where I'm falling and then I swear that I hit the ground cuz my body jolts and it wakes me up!!!!!

Thoughts during the day at least you have a chance to rationalize but dreams your just stuck kind of like your just along for the ride!!!!